[hider Construction update] 500 Warrior Fabricants produced 2 Doom Gliders produced 1 Night Glider produced [/hider] [hider Online Systems] Automated defence grid Fabrication facility 001 Communications systems Stealth device Life Support Systems Psionic Relay 001 Scanning and detection systems Power Core 001 Propylaeum 001 Propylaeum 002 Propylaeum 003 Propylaeum 004 Propylaeum 005 Propylaeum 006 Propylon Chamber 001 Propylon Chamber 002 Processing Facility 001 [/hider] [hider Available Forces] x128 Defense Fabricants x1000 Warrior Fabricants x4 Doom Gliders x2 Night Gliders [/hider] The Starchild tilted her head curiously at the diagram. It was quite evidently Element One. What was this supposed to mean? Surely they were not questioning whether she knew the very basics of chemistry? She paused for a fraction of a second, considering before sending back a response of the diagram with an additional electron, its outer shell completed. She hoped that the aliens would understand the meaning behind this. The ancient devices left by her creators had detected psionic probing from aboard the alien ship. The sur'unem would find very little of interest; There was plenty of life on the planet, to be sure, but save for a few scattered, primitive tribes on the eastern continent who had barely discovered fire, none of them appeared to be sapient- And then a very faint signature could be detected on the planet, apparently buried deep below the surface. It didn't appear to be a living being and indeed seemed to be an artificially produced beacon more than anything. No sooner had the Starchild sent the message than another group of ships appeared in her system. She was about to repeat the message to them when her scans reported back that at least 4 of them were full blown military vessels. She hesitated for a moment. She wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt but she wasn't entirely sure whether it was worth the risk. Perhaps it would be best just to hide away; Surely they wouldn't be able to get the Propylaeum working after all. The two Warrior fabricants at Propylaeum 001 and 002 had backed up into the alcoves presented by the removal of the external equipment and had seemingly powered down in an attempt to mask themselves as a pair of skeletal statues; The lights in their eyes had gone out and they were clutching dormant weapons in one hand, standing imposingly tall. She would use them in an attempt to determine the nature of the contacts. She paused for a moment before altering the device; the Sur'unem would see the Psionic signature rise up through the rocks of the planet, sitting between Propylaeum 001 and 002. Perhaps she could attract a landing party of these individuals independent of the second organisation; If so, she might be able to acquire intelligence pertaining to whether the collection of military vessels meant the Hierarchy harm. In the mean time, the Starchild sent a message out towards the EU ships; Six dots, four larger than the others, in a formation similar to that of the EU ships. The message would slowly change to display the four larger dots breaking off and backing away in an attempt to convey a request. The Starchild turned quickly and set about issuing orders to the Fabricants. The autonomous defence fabricants were subsumed into the ranks and skittered around in the darkness, supported by phalanxes of Warrior Fabricants as they moved through the vast hallways to secure the two Propylon Chambers... [b]Arnor, a outer EU system[/b] The ship began to drift slowly forwards, transmitting a signal back to the EU. It definitely appeared to have suffered severe damage; The ships stealth plating was so heavily damaged that it was acting sporadically, giving off strange and anomalous readings that deceived sensors as to the ships shape and size. "Our life support has been compromised, we can not regulate the ships environment correctly; We humbly accept shelter. I am Tras Varsei, Shipmaster of the Ardent Prayer; Who speaks?"