We didn't go anyway. Changed our minds (or rather, one person with a very strong will changed their minds). We had it planned for weeks. But hey, now I have a giant sushi plate in the fridge, which is about equal. That and I don't lie if I can help it.[hider=Ignore This Rant]If I wanted to talk about how life is hard, I'd have milked that memorial service thing longer (if I even brought it up in here). Or that I have some RL things to do that could get me kicked out of this house, fired from work, blacklisted and, if I'm not particularly careful about this, hurt/killed before I have anywhere else to go, and all this based on perfectly legal discrimination (gender identity is not a protected status where I am, and the news covers it up saying "a gay man" for a transwoman if they say anything about it at all; usually they just give a little footnote like story saying "a man is found dead," more or less, MAYBE with a name). But you know, I could totally lie about seeing Deadpool a third time.[/hider] Regardless, I AM going to start this in a dramatic moment, if not in combat (which is what the game wants). Probably in combat. I plan on using occasional comic book "noises" like BAMF and POW. Maybe even pictures. -shrug- I'll try to work on it today. Edit: Working on the first post now. It'll be all of us together. We can decide how we split in-game. Starting with a minor villain.