[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/79/53/3b/79533b059bbaa7e61495af4d6214af0b.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][CENTER][COLOR=#FF6666][u]H I S T O R Y[/u][/COLOR] [COLOR=#FF6666] Since young, Vince had a poor health, frequently getting major asthma attacks. Unable to go to school normally and consistently in elementary and middle school, he missed out on the time when everyone started to make friends. When he was finally stable enough to attend school everyday, everyone had already made and joined their own friend groups. From then on, he learned to be on his own and eventually started to push away people who did try to befriend him. However, his health did improve throughout the years, only occasionally having a minor asthma attack here and there. In high school, this lead him towards wanting to become apart of the basketball team, which would help him acquire more endurance and strengthen his health. Once in the team, he learned to open up more towards people he is comfortable with, showing a nice side of himself on occasion, but when dealing with a stranger he still presents a cold and distant front. In school, he is able to achieve a more than decent grade and tries to avoid doing anything unnecessary. Even now, socially, he tends to stay alone preferring a quiet space in the library.[/color] [COLOR=#99CCFF] [u]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u][/COLOR] [COLOR=#99CCFF] C o l d + B l u n t + S a r c a s t i c + P e r c e p t i v e + Q u i e t[/COLOR] [COLOR=#99CCFF][u]S E X U A L I T Y[/u][/COLOR] [COLOR=#99CCFF]H e t e r o s e x u a l[/COLOR] [COLOR=#99CCFF][u]N A M E[/u][/COLOR] [COLOR=#99CCFF]V i n c e[/COLOR] [COLOR=#99CCFF][u]A G E[/u][/COLOR] [COLOR=#99CCFF]1 7[/COLOR][/CENTER] [center][IMG]https://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me65bsyWgF1rg3ywto1_500.gif[/IMG][/center][hr]