[hider=A green-skin named Chengizz] [B]Username:[/B] Kingfisher [b]Character Name:[/b] Chengizz the Slick [b]Race/Species:[/b] Hobgoblin [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Career (if any) and Skills:[/b] Chengizz is infamously slick and nimble, possessing quick feet and a limber body. What he lacks in strength he makes up for in sheer, untarnished speed. He’s no scholar, but is cunning even by greenskin standards, and it's this opportune mindset that has allowed him to thrive, and grow into a formidable mercenary. He’s no fancy warrior practicing intricate fighting styles, but is instead entirely self-taught, having learned the art of battle solely from experience. [b]Weapons:[/b] The Hobgoblin’s primary weapon is a curved, scimitar-like blade, with jagged edges on one side and a smooth edge ,honed to lethal sharpness, on the other. Various knives are hidden beneath his clothes, fastened to straps and buckles, and he has a crossbow strung across his back. [b]Attire:[/b] Chengizz dresses in a combination of tanned leather, swathes of cloth, and spiked armour. He wears a plumed skull-cap over his pointed head, and hides a scale mail tunic beneath a dirty jerkin. [b]Equipment/Other[/b] N/A [b]Physical Description:[/b] Chengizz stands just beneath your average human, with a stooped back and features twisted into a feral sneer. His skin is a sickly shade of green, and is criss-crossed with cuts and scars from old battles.His teeth are long to the point of being too large for his crooked mouth, with their needle-like points bursting out from behind his lips. His eyes are dull and beady, glowing a faint crimson when they catch the light of the sun. [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] Vicious, cruel, and unbelievably cunning. Chengizz cares about no one but himself, and holds no loyalties other than to the gold in his coin purse. He’s no flashy war-dancer, and gets the job done with a simple, no-nonsense demeanor. Chengizz knows his place in the world, and is smart enough not to run headfirst into a fight he can’t win. He’s quite the tactician, and isn’t above running away if it means living to loot and plunder another day. [b]Background/History:[/b] Born in the Eastern Steppes, Chengizz grew up beneath the savage dominion of Hobgobla Khan, fighting in a roaming warband of green-skinned bandits. His childhood was completely devoid of any form of luxury, as the stooped warriors scurried about the slopes and ridge of the East, picking away at the Divine Emperor’s supply lines whilst they made their way to up the Ivory Road and into Cathay. Over the years, Chengizz and his motley crew gradually made their way west, through the Blasted Wastes, Badlands, and into the sunny stretches of Tilea. The band of warriors was gradually whittled down as the decades flickered by, and as a result of this Chengizz began picking up members of other races along the way. After a few years the crew were fighting purely for self-interest, and started to establish themselves as prominent bandits and swords-for-hire. Chengizz has spent the last five years or so fighting for coin beneath different Merchant Princess, but the day has finally come where he’s the only member of his gang of bandits still left standing. Given the circumstances he finds himself in, its time for Chengizz to find himself a new crew. [/hider]