[@neogreggory] If the American president can find time to heal the rift between the U.S and Cuba, you can find a charger! [quote=@Rusalka] Huh... I'm kinda sad with the turnout. :( I was hoping this would get more attention than free pudding and fellatio. [/quote] A man my age shouldn't need to "Google Define: Fellatio", but I did, and now I have grown more as a person. But yeah anyway, I think we're doing alright. Free isn't as popular as I remember it being, and I think people probably perceive Free as an orgy of one-liners and major derping, so we're kinda denying ourselves the Casual player base... but that's fine with me. I want this RP to be accessible to anyone and everyone :D But hey, guild politics and marketing strategies aside, well done on another great post! I have absolutely no interest in Silent Hill (more of a classic Resi Evil fan me self), yet I'm hooked on Danielle's story. I'm looking forward to seeing how she gets herself out of that pickle. I'm loving that boss, by the way. Well done yet again for taking initiative! I'll add [i]it[/i] to the Monster Tracker. [quote=@Framing A Moose] Imma post tonight, when I have time to write a starting post. [/quote] Awesome :) I look forward to reading it!