Much like her superhero monkier, Cardinal, Ava was a very early bird. She had awoken at two in the morning after her routine struggle of tackling her insomnia and only sleeping for a minimum to four or five hours. She liked to exercise so much going on morning jogs around the tower block and further into the city and back -- which is exactly what she had done arriving back before Korand'r and the others arose. Stepping out of her room nicely showered and casually put-together with a light maroon hoodie and dark gray cropped leggings with neon tennis shoes, her hair done in a milk braid hairstyle. As she walked down the hallway humming a tune, she backed a few steps to the large windows to see Jasper practicing his archery at the range, the wisps of the arrows fired being heard. A snicker played across her lips as she sprinted the other direction to reach the field faster. Arriving at the door lock, she grabbed a large, lightweight machete that one of the teammates must've used to do some landscaping outside... or relieve stress. Most likely, the latter. She was a yard away from Jasper when she launched the machete at a target like javelin, the weapon cutting through the center of the left target of Jasper's. [color=9e0039]"Hey there,"[/color] she coolly greeted with a devilish smile for her antic to surprise him, walking over to the target to retrieve her machete. [color=9e0039]"How is it going?"[/color]