[center][h1][color=Chocolate]Christian Korb[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [hr] [center]That morning[/center] [hr] Christian was up early, as always and had already done all of his morning ritual of bathing with what the griffons offered him, brushing his teeth in the shower to save time, putting on his dress shirt and pants, shining his shoes and doing his hair. He was looking perfect, as always. He had gone ahead and made himself a schedule for the day, mostly consisting of chunks he labeled as "Whatever the griffons tell me to do." where formerly he had written his daily duties when with Master Thaume and the other butlers and maids. But even though the Griffons didn't need him up early and ready in impressive times and looking so nice, he stuck to his routine. He walked the camp, mumbling a song he had heard around the camp the last week. Music to him had always been piano and orchestra pieces to him, the new genres opened up to him after leaving the mansion had kept him occupied. Today's song seemed to be of a folkier type, at least that's what the man he heard playing it said it was. He didn't know the words, so he didn't sing too loud. He took a walk around camp, still one of the only ones away and just checked that everyone had what they needed and made a mental list of who's living spaces lacked materials, food or anything of note about them. Any comments on the clutter of their spaces would be kept to himself but was certainly noted down. Improper dress was almost added onto every member's mental note but again, not addressed. It wasn't his job to rat anyone out anymore, and even so the people he would rat them out to also fell under the improper dress category. He would report this list later, but for now he had to get ready for breakfast.