…yeah, leave it to Risu to strip ‘em down. The good thing about the Mist genin was that she usually wasn't hard to find. Usually you just had to look for the crowd, or the shouting, or whatever trouble she was statistically likely to have gotten herself into, but Kaguya Hajun had to hand it to her. This was the first time she’d ever annexed them a house. Could she even do that? Police force or no, there had to be some reasonable limits on authority or whatnot they would give to— Hell with it. It wasn’t like anyone worth a damn lived there. The assembled crowd had a mixture of reactions that Hajun was happy to pretend to ignore as he made his way down the street towards them, hands in the pockets of his heavy hoodie and headphones blaring out a steady, tinny rap beat around his neck. Dressed for travel, then, not in the flowing yukata he usually wore, legs confined by cargo pants rather than his usual wraps. It felt odd, like he was any other kid for a moment. He wasn’t, but you know. It was the thought that counted. “Who is that little—“ “You mean all on her own she—“ “Who does she think she is, little brat, I ought to—“ “This is what you get, with ninja—“ “’scuse me.” Hajun’s voice was even below the crowd as he gently pushed his way through, making a wedge with his hands and spreading it to part the veritable sea. For all his lack of height—he wasn’t much over 170cm, significantly shorter than most of the people in the crowd—he was surprisingly dense and walked with the kind of naturally assured ease that might have been a swagger in a more aggressive person. Unlike Risu he was careful to wear his headband where it was easily in view, tied around his neck with lazy ease, and as soon as the assembled caught sight of it there was suddenly not much resistance at all to him making his way over. Strange. It was easy to forget, sometimes, that even a genin was worth being afraid of for people like this. At the head of it was some thug of a man glaring daggers to his thug of a teammate, his hand gripping the heavy cane he carried like he was going to break it over her head. Which he probably planned to, honestly, not that it would do him much good. Risu would probably turn the stupid thing into a suppository, and while Hajun wasn’t exactly boiling over with compassion for the…drug lord? Pimp? Asshole-with-an-attitude? Whoever he was… he also wasn’t about to let their [i]first damn day[/i] turn into a riot. [color=pink]”…oh, and don’t worry about your things, I’ll be seizing those as well. Everything you’ve taken or earned through your business is now property of the Hidden Mist, so beat it.”[/color] She was saying, the man getting increasingly angry. His coat was heavy, his jewelry was heavy—the clothes underneath it were nice, significantly nicer than the wear of the people around him. If Hajun was very lucky, he even actually [i]owned[/i] the house that was being appropriated. “Oh don’t you worry, bitch, I’ll beat it! I’ll beat its little ninja ass so hard it won’t know which way to—“ “Down boy.” Hajun rolled his eyes from behind him, patting him twice on the shoulder in conciliation as he passed; [i]Yeah, man, that does suck. Better off next time.[/i] As the dealer’s jaw dropped, eyes staring as the fourteen year old brat made his way past him, Hajun snorted slightly to his female companion. “Look at you. Already making friends.” He shook his head, a wry smile spreading over his lips. “Gonna get us in trouble, Risu.” Still, damage functionally done, he made his way in front of the girl and addressed both the man and the crowd. To someone watching it might have seemed he was playing the gallant, trying to keep the little ninja girl from the big bad man. Anyone with eyes could see it was pretty much entirely the other way around. “People of Ushiogakure, please disperse.” He called out to the crowd in his best ‘I’m Official, Do What I Say’ voice. “The ninja of Kirigakure are here to ensure your safety. With that in mind, I ask you again to disperse. We are currently in the process of documenting evidence located at this scene in regards to numerous outstanding criminal endeavors, and as such—“ “The hell is this!” The man finally snapped, throwing his hands in the air. “This is [b]my damn house[/b]! You can’t just walk in, beat down my boys, and expect me not to raise all sorts of—“ “I expect you to calm the hell down, sir.” Hajun had tried. He did his best, but diplomacy wasn’t exactly what he and his family were known for. Worse, with the thug attracting so much attention, the rest of the crowd didn’t seem to be disappearing as asked. Could he have wasted this asshole and moved on? Yes. Would that have set good precedent? No. Still, now was time enough to show that Kirigakure wouldn’t be putting up with people’s shit. “Oh yeah? You and your little girlfriend over there gonna make me?” The man growled, reaching into his pocket for something. A knife? An exploding tag, if he was feeling really uppity? Hajun didn’t know or care. Hajun had always appreciated his silent companion's sense of timing. “No,” he said with properly condescending patience, “but my boy Nai right behind you might.” “Just scare him, man.” He added, joining Risu by leaning back against the pole. “No blood on day one.”