Name: Tristan Age: 217 (life expectancy=700ish) (making him a regular humans equivalent to 31ish) Race: Augmented Super Human Appearance: Near 8'7" and weighs close to 400lbs Very Muscular and Toned, Usually wears a Black body suit and any equipment that wont hinder his specific ability for any given mission. He has a face mask he never lifts for an unknown reason. (mask resembles the one "pale rider" wears in SAO II) Ability type: Dead eye. Never misses a shot. However it takes him a long time to prepare for the shot. He is incredibly talented in Hand-to-hand and other physical combats (swords or any of the such) and has the mental capacity far surpassing the top super computer made by humans due to augmentation. Equipment: Always carrys sword (resembles Kiritos' Elucidator from SAO I). Has a holographic shield generator equipped on his left arm. Carrys a burst Pistol on right thigh (resembles B23R from Black Ops 2) and any extras they company provides. Personality: Quiet, Mysterious Bio: Mysterious, Grew up in the SDF and knows everyone well. Volunteered to work with Arya on her Special Operations team for Operation Thunder Crack. Other: He has a secret. A secret love. First character, I hope this meets all reqirements