By this time, a team of medics began to pour into ground zero. For a minute, they seemed uncertain what to do. Did avatars need human doctors or Pokemon doctors? Noticing the Avatar of Lugia close to suffocation with a punctured lung, a Chansey decided it had to try [i]something[/i]. A beam of warm, pink light emanated from the Pokemon's gentle hands. Lucas gasped and coughed up blood as the lung steadily grew stronger. The Heal Pulse worked, to the relief of everyone on the medical team, but there was still much more work to be done. The team made sure Lucas was stable enough to survive the trip to the Pokemon Center. As they worked on him, one of the medics noticed a Focus Sash near the fainted avatar. Assuming it belonged to him, she wrapped it around Lucas's wrist as they quickly loaded him into an ambulance. Kaze was loaded into the same ambulance. While he didn't take as much damage as Lucas, the boy seemed to be suffering from exhaustion, and would also need a brief stay at the Pokemon Center. Another group of medics addressed the avatars and Pokemon near the middle of the parade. While they were respectful of patient consent, they strongly recommended both human and Pokemon treatments and worked quickly to implement whatever treatments the conscious victims allowed. As grim-faced medics checked on Maya and Mikhail, another approached Rebeca. "Your injuries require more attention than we can give on the field, miss," the doctor said calmly but firmly. The naked avatar didn't faze him at all; his profession required him to get used to seeing naked strangers. As he spoke, a Ralts used a Heal Pulse to ease some of Rebeca's pain. "We're going to take you to the Pokemon Center. We will take your Pokemon there, too. You will all be in the same ambulance."