[h2]Nai Hanashi[/h2] Middling radiance ebbed through the swirling downcast, held up on high throughout Uzushiogakure's afternoon skies. Compacted roads of soil, emblazoned by innumerable pattering feet indicative of a certain quaint busyness amidst ramshackle homes and vendors set hastily up in the morns for the perfect spots of business. Truly a mask for that which had in its entirety been a vile den of depravity and detritus, a notion known to each and all of the impoverished masses, yet not the casual topic of conversation. Upon one such crowded path, clogged by the peasantry going about their daily routines, had a pair of shinobi ambled through in a manner oozing nonchalant vibes. With their comrade missing the genin were utterly forced to track down the [i]confrontational[/i] one, lets their sensei scold them callously for ill responsibility, in fashion most hypocritical. The jonin hadn't even made their appearance at the scheduled time and place, the possibility of having been consumed by the deviance the team had been warned about rung staunchly within their heads, hoping that it hadn't been another one of those tests. Nevertheless, the pale fleshed boy maneuvered in stride, breaking off from his partner an uncountable number of times, darting here and there to rickety stalls purveying snake oils and cure-all wares. Each one ready to con what amounted to an awestruck child out of currency he hadn't permission to own for reasons exactly as such. Always having to be dragged off by the stoic member of their little dysfunction without even a word. And still their casual hunt continued in the waning of the light overhead, the dispassionate teen had been beguiling enough to further dissuade the Scarecrow from plodding off of their own accord. In blasé manner, the ethereal skinned shinobi folded either lithe limb behind a soft-featured head, their legs striking out flamboyantly to further increase the pair's air of casual superiority. Their laid-back nature only wavering for a split instant as a familiar voice, shrill to any ear, reached their senses. Yet another brawl erupting due to the girl's adversarial mannerism? Or perhaps she was simply ambushed by thugs of the impression that a young woman such as she could not handle herself? Then there is always the possibility of that kunoichi beating upon innocent serfs on the pretense of eyeing her the wrong way. It was inconsequential in the end of course, for no matter the cause had the otherwise cool pair always been dragged down into her conflicts. Whether it was by camaraderie or principle alone, none could say. As if by emphatic link, a single nod from the Kaguya, hardly a noticeable gesture, transferred his intent albeit through abstraction. Yet the scene was clear, exposed hooligans or detractors strung up on high, the Mist genin ready to take on the world, and her disgruntled victim. As much as the occurrence itself spun the tail of the three shinobi as antagonists, again it, as always, became a non-problem. Attaining a lock through voided eyes upon a man in garish garb had the white creature hasted to action. A show for the crowd it was to be? With a gathering of essence within, and a final vision of the target had the very earth beneath thin limbs shimmered and pulsed, from which the nin descended and dispersed, a smile for those few onlookers taking notice. Only moments later, heralded by his companion's unconcerned words, had the boy's pale fleshed sprung out once more into the light. Creeping and vineing abaft the gaudy criminal, acute points of metal already within skeletal hands. Another elated expression wheeling across the face as thick white strands tug upon the flesh, swiftly morphing to a slighted frown having the surprise stolen away. Nevertheless once again the devious smile appeared, the pale-fleshed creatures lithe limbs snaked about the aggressor's body, laying flush with pointed needles upon the throat and poised to pierce a lung perhaps as well. The boy's bead eyes flitted over to the pair of companions, fluttering shut with a fair amount of joy to be gleaned, his off-white locks swaying in the movements.