At first Rebeca didn't hear the man's words; her injuries were irrelevant compared to Mihkail's anyway. It had been a very long time since she had seen her brother injured in such a way, since the stone-like hides and not inconsiderable physical power of his species meant very few Pokemon were stupid enough to hunt them in the wild. And while the two of them did tussle from time to time, since she easily take whatever he threw at her, those sessions were always in good fun, neither really trying to win, much less harm. Still, something did manage to get through, and she nodded numbly as she started to rise. Until her eyes fell on Maya, cradled in the arms of another medic. If her reaction to Mihkail's injury was dismay, then this one could be classified as abject anguish. "[color=crimson]Maya? [b]MAYA![/b][/color]" In an instant, she was on her feet and rushing over, nearly throwing people out of her way and outright ignoring the stabs of pain that tried to bring her down as she seized the Shellfish Pokemon. The Kabuto's shell had been nearly cracked in two, with vicious burns lining the slightly melted edges of the fissure. "[color=crimson]No no no! Baby, please, wake up! I'm here, Mommy's here, please wake up![/color]" Rebeca fell to her knees, her shoulders shaking with sobs as clutched the infant Pokemon to her chest. "[color=crimson]Not again. Not again,[/color]" she whispered. After a moment, the markings across her body flared to life, and she spoke in a cold, vicious voice. "[color=crimson]Who. Did. This.[/color]"