A smile stretched from ear to ear as the party accepted notification popped up on his HUD. On the top left he could now see the name Travis, along with all his stat information. The man was definitely a tank, Travis' max health was nearly double his own. [b]"So.. tell me what your class doe-"[/b] before he could finish a sound, something Sebastian would describe as a 'shrilling ninny', sliced through his ears causing his head to snap back and look at the strange being that now bounded over to them. The Jester approached him and began greeting them rather formally, causing Sebastian to place a hand out for him to shake. [b]"You're the miss I ran into at the inn yes? My apologies again, I don't think it would hurt to add another I mean after all I guess I owe you for earlier."[/b] he smiled again while thinking to himself [i]well this is beginning to work out quite fine.[/i] Quickly he popped a second invite to Alex, before the trio set off down a dirt path leading from the gate of the city towards the thick woods ahead, which would be a rather dangerous part of the journey to the rat king. As they walked along, Sebastian stood in front and grew bored, trying to bring up something to talk about. [b]"So how's the game been for you guys? What do you think of it all. I mean personally, I love it but at the same time I miss people in the real world."[/b] As they were talking amongst themselves, they grew closer and closer to the Dark Forest ahead. A place filled with decently strong monsters, mostly medium sized spiders that held weak poison and were easily dispatched but occasionally the unlucky player could run into a queen spider. If caught alone, more often than not it would result in a death especially if the queen brought her young. The forest was also known for the high amount of PVPing that went on. If they ran into a group of PVPers this fight could get messy, they had no healer and this Jester couldn't have too many effective battle stats. How would they manage to fend for themselves against a large group? Sebastian figured they'd solve that if presented with the situation. Before long, they reached an opening in the trees where a distinct path was laid. Sebastian stopped right before they passed the first tree and began to speak, more serious than he ever had before with a sternness in his eyes. [b]"Listen, we might get into a fight in here depending what we run into. We're gonna have to cut through it there isn't enough time in the day to go around so lets just get this over with. Eyes peeled, mouths shut, feet moving. Got it? We don't wanna be caught off guard and we don't want any unneeded attention. So lets just get through with it. Travis you lead, Alex you get the middle I'll cover our rear."[/b] Sebastian unsheathed his rapier from his side and held it firmly in his left hand, ready for anything as the trio entered the wooded area cautiously.