[center][b]For anyone who was a part of my previous Naruto Rp, I apologize for not paying attention to it and letting it die. There were a couple of issues I had to deal with and again, I am sorry. There were also some issues with the Rp that I should have foresighted, but this one I will be trying to stop that by having everyone start in the same location.[/b][/center] [center][i]Co-Gm - Hirothelegend[/i][/center] [i][center]Japan, 1960[/center][/i] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljey759bta1qb4ff5.jpg[/img][/center] [i][center]The Sengoku period, a time of social upheaval, political intrigue, and nearly constant military conflict. Warring States controlled by Daimyo's are at war for a common goal; the unification of Japan. Each Daimyo, however, dreams of a different unified Japan. The three most influential were Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the one man considered to be the most ruthless ruler in Japan...The Initiator of Unification, the Strongest Samurai, the Demon King of the 6th Heaven, [b]Oda Nobunaga[/b]. This is the story of Japan's bloodiest time in history...our tale begins in Edo, Nobunaga's capital, where he plans to attack a nearby village in another province in order to gain control of the area. With province after province becoming subdued by his iron fist, his ambition is close to becoming realized....the fate of Japan's future will be decided...[/center][/i] [i]~Rules~ 1. Don't kill off another players character without their permission....however, if they go godmode, I give you permission! 2. Don't go and do things that would usually kill a normal person, like jumping off a high cliff, unless you really wanna die! However, if they skilled in a certain area, they could perhaps pull some extreme things off. 3. You don't have to be a Samurai. You could be a Shinobi, a Geisha, whatever you choose! Just give me a good bio. 4. Not everything will be following real history in Japan, only certain events. 5. No arguments in the OOC section unless they are constructive! 6. I expect everyone to be Japanese. I may allow one or two foreign characters, but this is the Sengoku era. 7. Romance is allowed, but 18+ is to your PM's. 8. My word is law, I am the GM. I am open for suggestions, though. 9. Put 'Sengoku' in your password so I know that you have read the rules. 10. Everyone will start in Edo, Nobunaga's capital. At the end of your biography, please put what they are currently doing in Edo. 11. Have fun![/i] [i][center][b]~Character List~[/b] Oda(???) Masamune(CorruptedShadow) - Page 1 Post #1 Hideniyo Misako (ReaptheMusic) - Page 1 Post #7 Oda Nobunaga(HirotheLegend) - Page 1 Post #9 Akechi Mitsuhide(HirotheLegend) - Page 1 Post #9 Sanada Sora(Collector of Rarities) - Page 1 Post #16 Adachi Yorimasa(Nytem4re) - Page 2 Post #24[/center][/i] [hider=Character Sheet]Appearance(I would prefer an anime picture, but whatever works.): Name(Put your Last/Clan name before you First name.): Clan(Please ask someone to join their clan first if they are already a part of that clan.): Age: Gender: Nationality: Family: Relationship: Classification(Peasant, Samurai, Geisha, Shinobi, whatever it is that you classify as.): Weapon(s): Personality: Hobbies: Likes: Dislikes: Srengths(Not everyone has a strength, but that is your choice.): Weaknesses(You MUST have at least two.): Biography(At least a paragraph.) Other(Any extra info about that character we should be aware of.): Theme song(Optional and I prefer something from an anime or traditional Japanese.): Password:[/hider] [hider=My Character] Appearance:[img]http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq109/zen849/cgks%20junk/Picture169.jpg[/img] Name: Oda(???) Masamune Clan: Unknown, adopted into the Oda clan. Age: 20 Gender: Male Nationality: Japanese Family: Oda Nobunaga - Adoptive Older Brother Relationship: NA Classification: Samurai Weapon(s): A katana named Ryƫ no kiba, it's blade is crafted so well that it is claimed to cut through steel easily, though this is just a legend crafted in order to praise the weapons durability. The handle of the blade is designed into a dragon coiling around handle, with the dragons head on the end of the handle. Inside of the dragons mouth is a emerald ball. Personality: Although mostly a kind and gentle soul, he has a tendency to become a bit hotheaded when someone doesn't act serious enough. His training under Nobunaga has made him a strict and hardened Samurai. His most noteworthy characteristic is his determination, however, this can be a disadvantage seeing as he will not quit until he gets what he wants. Hobbies: Kenjutsu, painting, gardening, and writing historical books. Likes: One on one duels, art in all forms, gardens, cherry blossoms, and music. Dislikes: Cowardice, disrespect towards art, mindless destruction(especially for nature), and Nobunaga's Ambition. Strengths: A talent for Kenjutsu, his gentle nature towards others has acquired him many allies, an undying will to reach his goals, and an excellent artist. Weaknesses: A missing eye which is covered with an eyepatch, his determination can get him into trouble, and often gets into arguments with Lord Nobunaga over his amibtion. Biography: In the beginning, Masamune was just a baby when he found floating down a river on a basket. Oda Nobuhide, the father of Oda Nobunaga, had found him floating down while taking a peaceful stroll. Swiping the child quickly from the basket, he took him back to his castle and adopted him as one of his own, naming him Oda Masamune. Through ought his childhood, he grew a fascination for painting, gardening, and writing. While he practiced these arts on his own, his older brother, Nobunaga, taught him Kenjutsu and Bushido. As he grew older, his swordsmanship became more and more better, but always fell short to Lord Nobunaga, who had became the new head of the family. One day, Nobunaga assigned Masamune as one of his head Generals, and began to conquer the land together. Nobunaga talked so much about his ambition, to unite Japan under his rule...but much to Masamune's horror, it was a tyrannical rule that Nobunaga dreamed for. Every day, he hated Nobunaga's ambition more and more....and he never forgot. Today, Masamune helps the locals in Edo, the capital in which Nobunaga resides in, with their daily tasks. Theme song: [youtube]IvT3us1Ojqw[/youtube] Other: He has a small tattoo on the back of his neck. [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5Pp3ERnE4QLaOs8Jnx5HL2cTaHXwywYw3OFLbx-gKudbwbGLo[/img][/hider]