"Tiki...?" The swordsman blinked. He knew that name. He didn't know why, but he knew that name. And the girl who'd transformed, something of it seemed familiar, almost nostalgic. He turned around to see the dragon. "... What is this...?" He mumbled, holding a hand to his forehead. "Dammit... It's right there..." He muttered to himself. The revelation wouldn't come though. Whatever it was, it was still beyond him. "Right... Guess I'll just leave it then..." He sighed, walking directly between the group. "Yeah, what her majesty said... I've been working on restoring this place all day. It would be a real pain in the ass if I had to redo all that work, you know?" He said to the dragon, completely unafraid, in spite of the fact that he'd never, to his knowledge seen one of them before. "You know, it does kinda hurt my feelings, your majesty... Mac- Er... Matthew." The man spoke as he reached into his tunic, pulling out a seal identifying himself as part of the halidom's vanguard, as well as a letter of introduction from his superiors, addressed to the Exalt herself. "So how about we all just calm down, help the bookworm here pick up all these volumes, sit down and chat, and not get into each other's throats, right?" He asked, starting to help pick up the books, careful to stay right in the middle of things to try and intercept any crossfire that may have occurred. While the man couldn't use a sword to save his life, he did have a knack for not getting himself killed. And getting in the middle of things. That was probably why he'd gotten this transfer. He was too much of a wildcard to be in the middle of a large sortie. As he picked up a second book for Matthew, he addressed the Exalt and the tactician once more. "So seriously, I know I owe one of you a meat pie. I DID accidentally steal one at that military meeting..." He reached into his tunic and pulled out a wrapped meat pie, one he'd picked up when he was told of who he was to meet with. At least in theory. "So yeah. Here it is, whoever wants it." He said with a smile.