Aya watched the new arrival shoot the final Hound, starting to see the others regain their bearings. The young girl in her arms wiggled out of the embrace, only go hug the teen back for a brief moment then go into a certain direction, where the brunette could see the sister weapon of the young girl's. Over hearing the two male teens exchange names made the female gain a light blush of embarrassment, forgetting to ever even ask the little girl's name before swearing to protect her. She opens her mouth to ask the pinkette, but an unfamiliar voice stopped her. [color=8882be]"Hello. Seems like you all had a fun fight."[/color] the light, feminine voice greeted. Aya looked towards the source of the voice, finding a teen girl standing a distance away with two daggers within her belt. Ignoring the new arrival for a moment, seeing that the teen hadn't made a contribution to the fight she spoke of, the sunhat-wearing female instead got up from the ground and walked over to the young pinkette, who now was equipped with everything she had started with. "H-hi there... I never really asked for you n-name before. I'm Aya, what's yours?" The teen asked nicely, giving the smaller girl a little smile, and waiting for her response.