Hazard supported the woman next to him as best he could, firing the last of his ammunition into the tide of greenskins as quickly as he could, as if that could stem the endless flow of roaring destruction. It didn't help. It didn't even slow them down. His best placed shots only made room for more Orks to rush through the gap. And that was it. The guardswoman next to him fired off her last round, and they were going to die. So he shifted the arm he had braced around her lower, so he could pick her up. His other hand dropped his revolver and whipped out his massive combat knife. "[i]RAIDERS LEAD THE WAY!!![/i]" he roared, trying his best to rush headlong into death. Except that the Ork in front of them got its head turned into pink mist by a well-placed shot from a heavy stubber, and then the pair of them fell onto its corpse, the grenadier having tripped over the suddenly downed greenskin. He saw, from his position sprawled across the Ork, what appeared to be an entire battalion of Deathkorps soldiers walking calmly into the fray. They were also grenadiers, by the look of them, their lasguns blazing fiercely, and their support weapons roaring death at the horde in front of them. He sighed, not sure how he felt about this untimely victory. If the reinforcements could have waited just another instant, he likely would have secured a place in Valhalla. As it was, he supposed victory would have to do in its stead. Then he realized that his new friend was crying tears of joy, and chuckled, giving her a reassuring squeeze as he helped her to her feet. "Who wants to live forever, anyway?" he grumbled, gently prying the laspistol from her hand, and holstering it. Then he made sure he had any kit he cared about, and turned toward the barely-there aid station. "Let's see if there's anyone around who can patch you up." he suggested, wondering if they were going to leave the woman behind. She had the grit required to keep fighting, but without cybernetics, she was going to end up going home, or dying. He didn't think she deserved to die in a losing battle, either, but the Iceman supposed he had no control over that. It was only once he sought to move the woman, that he realized she had little hope of getting anywhere, even supported by him. The battle continued to rage behind them as he scooped the badly injured woman up. A string of poorly-aimed tracer rounds ripped just overhead as a heavy stubber tried to find its mark after being reloaded. It got back on target without killing anyone, but Felix didn't seem to notice. The greenskins had turned from their assault on the fortifications, and were now breaking themselves on the wall of firepower generated by the more important regiments. "Let's get you patched up, eh? You'll be up and killin' again in no ti-" he was cut off by a bellow from what had to be a senior NCO. "Corporal Hazard!" he spun to look who it was, just in time for the Warrant Officer calling his name to realize what he was up to. "Go! Do your thing!" the man insisted a little more quietly. The junior NCO made a note to go speak with the man once his new friend was in better hands. Lucky for them, the only people at the aid station were wandering around, obviously shell-shocked and not sure what to do. He set Ninke down on an empty cot, and then slapped the nearest medical officer as hard as his tired shoulders could manage. "Wake the fuck up! You've got casualties everywhere! Triage! And fuckin' help this woman!" he knew she was likely all the way at the bottom of the list for triage, but she'd earned it, he figured. He didn't have time to stick around and help though. Instead he tossed the woman a wave and rushed off to see what his supervisor wanted. "Warrant?" he sounded off, rushing over to the man. "Captain!" the senior NCO growled, catching the attention of a Brontian captain who'd been doing Emperor-knew-what to a nearby corpse. Both enlisted men tossed the officer a salute before they continued. "Corporal Hazard. For your supreme leadership skills and work under pressure. And because probably half of us are dead, I hearby promote you to Sergeant." the much larger senior NCO declared curtly. Then Hazard saluted the captain once more, and the officer was handed a badge with three chevrons and three skulls on it. He then handed it to the Iceman, who pocketed it. He wasn't putting a rank on, not now, on a battlefield. "Congratulations, Hazard. Don't fuck it up." the Warrant Officer said with a grin. Then Felix shook the hands of both men, the enlisted men saluted the Captain once more, and they all went back to their duties. It was over in under a minute, and now Hazard, having jumped multiple ranks, had to try and organize what was left of the 3003rd's grenadiers. He did what any good senior NCO would do, and started screaming for his junior NCOs to find out what the hell was going on...