[hider=Artyom Barkov] Name: Artyom Barkov Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: A physically fit young man with somewhat pale skin, blue eyes and black hair, Artyom can easily be considered to be something of a heart throb; More then one female schola progenium student found their first crush to be their blue eyed drill abbot. Despite the fact that he has [i]reluctantly[/i] taken his leave of his work at the schola progenium in favor of missionary work, he still wears his [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/72/d7/b172d79caa7935132b84016be6704df1.jpg]old uniform while keeping his trusty 'Educational' flanged mace[/url] close at hand; He has also upgraded his gear since he started to serve under Horatio Drake by purchasing a laz pistol that he keeps close at hand. Personality: A pious follower of the Imperial Creed and a man who's first assignment was to train the orphans of the Imperiums fallen heroes in order to live up to their parents example, Artyom proved to be something of a moderate teacher in the schola progenium. While not the most charismatic teacher to ever grave a schola, he preferred to inspire his students to greatness and praised results that were beyond expectations proudly; Slower to punish then most drill abbots, when a student crossed the line where punishment was due Artyom could be [i]very[/i] brutal, often employing his flanged mace to make sure that the lesson was hammered home. Despite his unquestioning faith and dedication to the Emperor, Artyom's decision to volunteer to join the ship of the passing Rogue Trader Drake wasn't [i]exactly[/i] due to his desire to do the Emperor's good work where it was needed the most; During his stay at the schola, Artyom [i]might[/i] have gotten a little to... close to some of the teenage girls of his class then some schola progenium's would have allowed. It was only due to some quick thinking and a major stroke of luck that Artyom managed to avoid getting caught up in a scandal and decided to take it as a sign that the Emperor desired him to go on to do greater things. Artyom is friendly enough if treated with common decency and respect for his station as a servant of the God Emperor, more then willing to discuss with someone who processes a troubled mind about how they might best serve mankind or help them through an issue that is preventing them from living up to their potential. History: Artyom Barkov was born in the middle to upper levels of an Imperial Hive City on a relatively peaceful and productive planet; It paid the Imperium what it was due every now and then and that was generally the end of it as far as otherworldly excitement went... At least until the planet came under attack by an orkish invasion. Artyom doesn't remember much about what happened; Much like all students entered into the schola progenium the trauma of what happened and his former life were wiped away and he was given a new name. He was informed that his parents had died as heroes of the Imperium, through beyond the fact that the orks were responsible Artyom didn't know much more about them. Entering into the schola at the age of six, Artyom spent twelve harsh years learning to become one of the best that the Imperium had to offer; When it came time to decide what function he would serve in the Imperium at large, Artyom requested to become a drill abbot. The request was accepted and after four years of training and working as a teachers aid, Artyom officially became a drill abbot at the age of twenty two. While he served as an excellent example of a drill abbot, Artyom found himself...indulging a little in the vice that was several of his teenage female wards; He never forced the issue or anything and all persons involved were consenting, through such relations could harm a man's reputation. When rumors started to spread that one of the drill abbots was abusing his wards and taking advantage of them in the worst possible of ways, Artyom managed to draw attention away from himself and pointed it towards a random colleague by planting faked evidence... which led to the discovery that the man in question was actually a member of a heretical pleasure cult that had been sneaking away students under the age of ten to fuel the depravities of both himself and the cult in question. After the shift and quiet executions, the ship of the Rogue Trader Drake arrived, requesting some supplies and man power to go into wild space past the boarders of the Imperium. Seeing this as a sign from the Emperor himself that he owed the God Emperor of Mankind big time for saving his worthless live from ruin, Artyom volunteered to join the crew as a Missionary in order to help safeguard the faith of those brave souls that were going into the unknown. Skills: As is expected of a drill abbot in a schola, Artyom has a functioning knowledge of the Administratum, the Ecclesiarchy and the Imperial Creed, Imperial History and Philosophy, as well as fluency in High Gothic. His skill with ranged weapons could best be described as basic, through he somewhat makes up for that with a surprising skill with melee weapons, namely his flanged mace. Two years as a teacher has proved that Artyom can be somewhat charismatic, through there are clearly people out there that are much better at it then him. Equipment: Standard Schola Progenium drill abbot uniform. 1 Laz Pistol 1 flanged mace 1 Book of Imperial Prayers 1 Imperial Holy Amulet Miscellaneous: [/hider]