[center][b][color=deepskyblue][h1]☾ ΟÐξΤΤξ ΚξΝΟβΙ ☽[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/9uc468.png[/img][/center] [h3][b]Three Years Later[/b][/h3] The feeling aboard the Mon Calamari class transport was one of uncharacteristic jubilance amongst the Jedi, many of whom had not been off-world in some time, let alone ever visited a world quite like Coruscant. To Odette’s recollection, the old Jedi Temple had not had a living Jedi step foot in it for decades. The planet gleamed through the cockpit window, where Odette tried to watch the approach behind two New Republic pilots who had been chartered to ferry the entirety of the Jedi Order to the ancient temple, but the other padawans were excited and quickly moved as well, not leaving much room to see. In the prior three years, Ben and Odette had become close as friends and as Master Luke’s senior students had become responsible for directing the other students. None of the other students had constructed a lightsaber, the others lacking the knowledge and Odette and Ben lacking the kyber crystal necessary to construct one. The only reason she herself had a light saber was because it had belonged to her grandfather long before her and had been given it when she first arrived to train with Master Luke at the young age of seven. But it still wasn't 'hers'. She hadn't made it. And as much as she treasured her grandfather's saber, she wanted the honor of making one of her own. Outside of Odette and Ben, there were 7 other padawans training under Master Luke, three of which were human, a Mon Calamari, a Rodian, and a Twi’lek. All were bright and exceptionally talented, and after their initial adjustment period, had proven to be dedicated and willing to learn. Odette had to admit it was nice to have company, although it was nice that it was just Master Luke, Ben, and herself in the first smaller home and the remainder stayed in another that was constructed when more Jedi were going to be initiated into the Order. Master Skywalker had trained the others well, but Odette always had the impression there was much missing from their training. Most of what Luke was teaching was based off of the training he’d been taught through Master Yoda and her grandfather, both of whom perished before Luke could complete his training. While he was by far the most talented and knowledgeable Jedi alive, Odette could often sense his frustration from not having all the answers. Coming to Coruscant had many motives for the Jedi Master; if there were any answers or secrets of the Jedi to be found, it would be hidden somewhere in the Temple’s halls. Making room for the other padawans to have a look at the rapidly approaching planet, Odette returned to the common area where she’d found Ben. She wondered if he was excited about all of this as she was. When she had heard they were going to be heading off planet to take a visit to the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant, she was more than excited. For the first time since she was seven years old she would finally get to go see another planet. The sixteen year old girl was ecstatic and of so ready to get there. The question that was in the back of her mind as they made the trip though, was why? Why were they heading to the old temple? Was there something there that the Master was searching for? Or was it just a trip for them to experience the old temple first hand and see even just a glimpse of what the old Order might have been like. Some of the other padawans had been whispering about the idea that maybe Luke was getting ideas to build a new temple on their own planet. It was an interesting idea, and who knew, maybe there was some truth to it. After all, with the growing numbers of padawans they really did need a proper area to train and better their skills. She continued to think this over, book in hand as she sat at one of the tables. Before the planet had been in sight she had been reading silently. Knowledge was a gift that she did not take for granted and often in her free time was never found with out a book, learning about something new. But right now, she was too excited to read and so was joining Ben where he was. Ben had in the past three years become her best friend and he meant a lot to her. Even when the other padawans had showed up a year ago they had still remained closer than anyone else. They helped each other train and talked to each other when things got rough. Of course there were times of disagreement and frustration, as well as trying to show each other up in training, but it was a good friendship that she wouldn't trade for the world. Smiling brightly, sat with him and spoke, [color=deepskyblue]"It's very exciting. I can't believe we're going to see the old temple. The very temple our grandfathers trained in."[/color] She began pulling her long blonde hair into a braid, knowing they would be landing soon and she didn't want it getting into her face during this first mission of theirs, [color=deepskyblue]"I hope we find something having to do with them. it would be really cool. Though I'm more excited than ever to go down to the old library. Who knows what they'll have down there. Maybe even some books to help us master more of the force, or even a history on the old Jedi Order." [/color] Leaning forward a bit to whisper to him, she smiled, [color=deepskyblue]"I heard some of the other padawans speculating that maybe Luke is looking at the temple for references in building a temple of our own back home. Do you think its true?"[/color]