Guillame couldn't help but feel that there was something... [i]off[/i] about the young man. And by something, he meant everything. He looked like a genuine madman. Still, it was to early to pass any real judgment: books and covers and all that. Still, he had briefly considered giving a fake name, which was rather silly: there were more than a few Guillames in the world; it's not as though you could figure much out from a given name. Still, he did deliberate over which name to give. Guillame knew that his name was often written as "William" in Ylisse, but that wasn't typically how he said it. Maybe a nickname? His comrades had called him Guillame la Bâtard after [i]somebody[/i] let the next-of-kin forms slip. But that hardly seemed pertinent to the situation at hand. He shook the younger man's hand.[Color=Wheat]"I call myself Guillame. It is good to know you, Sules," [/Color] He said, diplomatically. [Color=Wheat]"I am indeed headed towards the border, as you presume. I am a..." [/Color] he hesitated. [Color=Wheat]"A wanderer, if you will. Ylisse it not my destination in particular. Simply, it is there, and it is there that I am going. [/Color] Technically, there were no lies here, save those made in omission. He hardly knew this boy: it would be a particular illogic to tell him everything. [i][Color=Wheat]And besides,[/Color][/i] thought Guillame, [i][Color=Wheat]what would this stranger care for a traveller like me?[/Color][/i]