The trip had been relatively short especially with all the interesting people along for the ride. Jethro was pleasantly surprised to find how tolerant thier carriagemaster was. To allow two tieflings and a dwelf aboard would have been unheard of in the provinces Jethro hailed from. Jethro was glad for the break in distainful glares and ignorant questions of his heritage. For once he was comfortable around the company he kept. Perhaps he could even make some friends. Once the carriage had stopped and Jethro had heard mention of hunting a wide grin crossed his face. What better way to stretch his legs than to track something to eat. He had been one of the first out. Circumventing the tailgate he simply hopped out the side landing in the dirt road shortbow at the ready. He was stopped though by Dyllon, the carriagemaster. He had other plans it seemed for Jethro and the other adventurers. "Damn. This better be good. I was looking forward to tracking something." Said the eager dwelf.