[center][b][I][color=FE88AA][h2] Wandering the Hallways [/h2][/color][/I][/b][/center] Coming back in the same side door she came out of, she entered the school building with her tape player still playing her favorite Madonna song. There was no one in the hallway that she could see but she could vaguely hear a commotion going on around the corner of the hall. She took her headphones off and walked a little faster around the corner. She saw a freshman lying on the ground picking up pieces of his glasses that were now broken as a result of his fall. Looking further down the hallway, she saw a wanna-be bad ass new kid shove something in his jacket pocket and walk away. Assuming this was another one of those "I'm a jock, I'm better than you and get out of my way situations", Odessa stood up and yelled after the boy as he stopped at his locker. She couldn't stand bullying. If this kid thought he could just come into this school and shove anyone around whenever he wanted to, he was sadly mistaken. [color=FE88AA][b]" Hey! Who the hell are you and what's with your twisted ego buddy?" [/b][/color] As Odessa got closer to him, she started to be able to tell exactly what kind of kid he was. She hated these kind of people; kids like him were the reason millions of other teenagers and adolescents commit suicide every year and she wasn't about to let this kid get away with that. His fake ass leather jacket, torn jeans and greasy brown hair told her everything she needed to know and she knew she hated this kid already.