Big gun girl and Shiro both turned to face the new person who may or may not have been of either or both genders. Without a name or such it was hard to make a nickname but he quickly settled on knifey, for obvious reasons. Shiro looked at the phone big gun girl pulled out in surprise and he suddenly remembered the pact dealio. He pulled out his own phone and looked at it again, reward: small supply bag. Hey, free stuff and a buddy? Pretty good deal. He looked at sword-guy, Magnus, and hit the button that said, "send pact request". In a few moments he heard a corresponding beep from the boy's pocket, indicating that he had received the message. [b]"Wanna team up?"[/b] He asked then turned to big gun girl again. [b]"You never answered my question, who are you, and what's going on?"[/b] [hr] [color=0076a3]Pact Request for player ID: B-001 Do you accept? Y/N[/color] [hr]