[hider= Jainus Theron] [b]Name[/b]: Jainus Theron [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Race[/b]: Bionic Human [b]Appearance[/b]:[hider= Flashy entrance is always necessary][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e2/a1/5b/e2a15bf9e466adc373468112a442e067.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Ability type[/b]: Teleportation - Jainus uses a device to create portals to transport himself around, but he also has a unique ability to teleport short distances, so long as he can see his destination. [b]Equipment[/b]: Greatsword and Shield seen in picture. He also carries a device that allows him to create portals to travel around rooms, provided there is a solid wall to exit the portal from. [b]Personality[/b]: Jainus has a very over-the-top approach to most things he does. Everything has to be flashy, big, EXPLOSIVE. He tends to make a scene anytime he enters a room and makes sure that he’s the biggest, brightest target in the room. He loves...seeks...craves attention and feeds off of positive reinforcement. Of course, he shrugs off most negative comments and ignores most people who don’t acknowledge him. Self centered sometimes, but when it comes down to it he would sacrifice himself for the good of the team. Jainus is an interesting fellow who enjoys doing almost anything. If he’s given an order, he follows it. But he follows it his way, with big theatrics and explosions usually. People have likened him to a certain character, most know him as Mr. Tourge, Jainus just refers to him and “That guy who does explosions the right way.” [b]Bio[/b]: Jainus was never really one for being modest…or having a less than flashy entrance. He had a flair for the theatrics and a certain joy when it came to making a fancy kill while engaged in combat. It was no surprise to anyone, however, when he tried to go above and beyond when he was in his early 20’s and suffered dearly for it. He was on a mission with some fellow brothers in arms and he got himself into some trouble when an explosion, he set off, caused the building they were in to start crumbling. So much for cool guys don’t look at explosions. He heroically used his portal device to safely get his men out of the crumbling building, but he found himself stuck and was subsequently crushed by the falling debris. After his body was recovered and he somehow survived the ordeal, his arms were replaced with standard bionics and his legs from the waist down were replaced with fairly standard bionics as well. He was forced out of the military for a long while until he recovered, but he eventually showed great promise back in the battlefield with his regular bionic limbs, using his portal device and his skill with a sword to act as an effective killing machine. He eventually replaced his old bionics with ones suitable for combat and for lifting heavy objects. He eventually found himself selected to be part of a special team that dealt with missions more dangerous than your standard mission, a team consisting of people from all walks of life, all sorts of timelines and literally every dimension he could think of, and others he had never thought of. “Who knew that Dali could see stuff we couldn’t until now…” - Jainus upon joining the SDF Special Ops Team [b]Extra[/b]: Jainus’ arms and legs were replaced with bionic limbs after an accident when he was younger. As he grew older, he eventually replaced the bionics to match his current profession as soldier for the SDF. His arms can lift significantly more than the average human, proportionally around twenty five times more that of your average human male. Is legs are equally powerful, allowing him to run faster and jump higher than an average human. [/hider]