Sayuri yawns as she makes her way to the barracks. She glares in the general direction of the hill, [color=990000]"Assholes. Can people really not leave people who are obviously dangerous alone? I mean yes I'm female but I'm wearing armor and a sword. Not exactly a something that says 'Hey I'm able to be messed with,'"[/color] looking back forward she notices that she was actually closer to the barracks than she thought. Slowing her horse slightly as she reaches the barracks she notices several people standing in front of the barracks. Including the Exalt, she could recognize that sword as the Falchion even from where she was, and much to her surprise a Manakete! She watches as the Manakete transform back into a her human form and take something from someone one of the others excitedly. Approaching the group she raises a hand in greeting, [color=990000]"Well I didn't expect there to be a bunch of people there at the Shepards Barracks. Much less the Exalt herself. What would the occasion be?"[/color]