[quote=@Vordak] [@MelonHead] Option 2 also leaves Gigue face downwards, so in theory, he can get up to his feet quicker than Sigurd and just bum rush him with the knife as he's getting up; especially dangerous considering Sigurd is completely disarmed. Option three still leaves both of them grounded, but it also frees up both of Sigurd's arms without giving Gigue a definitive advantage. [/quote] Option three is my preferred move at the moment, for one it exploits an earlier wound (the left leg is fucked up) and it doesn't put Sigurd in a position where it's his helmet vs the knife. However Gigue could probably stab Sigurd's right arm as he fell, which would be unpleasant. Screw it, might as well go with that, it's not like Sigurd is blessed with options but it's still better than I expected. If you'd had Gigue clinch with his right leg rather than rest it lovingly on Sigurd's shoulder Sigurd would be pretty fucked, that's how I dealt with superstrength in the Kanitah vs Fury fight, you can't refute the strength of your opponent but if your strength is comparable then your character's leg grip should be sufficient to keep them pinned.