[center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Ambush Point[/sub][/center] "Explode," Yvette mumbled, questioning the viability behind detonating that much concentrated arcane energy, "That would be a very uncontrolled explosion, Miss Daybreak. But it may be our only option," she croaked, still trying to compose herself. She looked at Luke irritably, but the hulking man only offered a half-hearted shrug in return. "It might be worth an attempt. The beast seems blind, after all." "Watch it!" Luke shouted, as the Xena serpant pulled its entire body back in a quick jerking motion. Jenso's flames seared the tip of its tongue, forcing it to turn its attention towards the brave flame mage immediately. But the follow-up explosion from Cecil's rifle forced it to turn its head once more. A large chunk of its scales was blown off as a result, revealing a softer layer of flesh underneath, near the back of its head. This time it couldn't discern exactly where to explosion had come from, but the serpent spent no more time searching for new targets, and spun back towards Jenso and the ATV, lunging head first in a striking motion, ready to swallow the man whole, and knock the truck over in its approach. Karida's flames seared a large portion of its scales as it emerged from the ground even more, but it didn't deter the giant serpent's approach in the least. Luke rose his sword and waited for the perfect moment to strike, while Yvette and Brian stood motionless, unable to assist in the least. "Here it comes! Hope you've got a quick way to apply your little plan there, cutie-pants!" [hr] [center][h2]Arcadia[/h2] [sub]CMAS HQ - Sydney's Quarters[/sub][/center] Joshua reeled back slightly at Mina's words, shifting in place despite Sydney's hearty chuckle. "Good, good! That treacherous bitch won't be an issue after this, and if all goes as planned, the Divers won't be a factor by the time the sun falls," Sydney said confidently. What a treacherous swine. Who could have seen it coming, though? Sydney hadn't been a significant force politically, so none would've thought to suspect him of such dirty tactics. Not that it would've mattered. The CMAS was law, regardless of what people thought about their methods. "Joshua, please return to me with an apt progress report by 7. You may leave for now." "Y-Yes, sir," Joshua chirped, running off to handle his work. "Mina, please alert Survey group 1, and tell them that the Alpha test will be concluded shortly," Sydney ordered, clasping his hands together anxiously. "It's about time for paradise to fall apart, don't you agree? Hm hm hm..."