[center][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PmgxYBuD_mI/hqdefault.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [right][b]Chicago, Illinois. 1235HRS Local Time[/b] [sub]Guest appearance by [@Blue Demon] as Ivy[/sub][/right] Piotr turned to face away from the body as the woman, against his request did not wait outside. Instead she had moved upstairs and was now crying over the body. He himself was fighting his emotions, though he refused to break down here and now. He had to focus on the task at hand, someone was in trouble and needed his help. That was his priority. AS the woman stood up and composed herself Colossus tried not to look directly at her, no doubt she wouldn't want to be seen in this state and she would not want to be remembered like this. [color=00a99d][b]"One second Comrade."[/b][/color] He walked over to the body, kneeling down on front of the boy and making a cross on his chest before speaking; [color=00a99d][b]"Gospodi, teper' raba Tvoyego s mirom , po slovu Tvoyemu."[/b][/color] He then lowered his head for a brief second before standing up and moving back to the woman. [color=00a99d][b]"I am as much a part of this as you are. I am looking for a Sarah Lester, she is a mutant in need of help."[/b][/color] Piotr raised his arm in indication to the small makeshift temple. [color=00a99d][b]"Unfortunately this is not the first time I have seen something like this. They call themselves the Purifiers, though this is not important. What is important is that we find the girl and get her before anything happens."[/b][/color] The sirens began to get closer. [color=00a99d][b]"Though we should leave, if you are determined to help I will not stop you. However the police will impede our progress, though the law is important I feel that this is one case where it will not work in our favour."[/b][/color]