You definitely have my interest. You even have a god that fits my world view, Chausuim. I would like to claim that God and be the archer diplomat. Here is a quick CS. Name: Sophia Umbra Age: 21 Gender: Female Religion/Class: Chausim- Archer Appearance: Her long brown hair is pulled back into a pony tail most of the time. Her eyes are a brilliant blue. She is a short 5 ft 4 in tall and fit. She tend to wear leather armor on her side left side and shoulder and on both her arms. She does not wear heavier so that she can still able to move. She wears a skirt that comes down to just above her knees and combat boots. Personality: She is easy going and goes with the flow most of the time. She tries to keep a positive attitude and be polite to those she meets. She does despise stagnation, routine, and tradition. She was always that way before she took up wandering and found Chausim. She can never stay in once place for long without feeling the itch to move. History: She was born and raised by her parents in the Caritasim tradition. Because of that she does not harbor any real bias to anyone. However, her rebellious nature but her at odds with her family and village from a relatively young age. She was alway arguing with elders and her parents. When she was 16, she had enough and after an argument left her village and family behind. Never to look back. She has wandered aimlessly since taking odd jobs that did not tie her down. Other Information: