[center][color=#4169e1][h3]Jasper Simmons[/h3][i]Quickshot[/i][/color][/center] As Jasper was heading back inside from his archery practice, the alarms rang throughout the tower. From his belt, his communicator beeped, and he picked up his pace towards his room. He tossed aside the quiver of practice arrows, setting his bow beside his 'work' quiver, and quickly changed into his crime-fighting costume. For the most part, he wore it under his civilian clothes, hot as it may be in the summer. Satisfied once his domino mask was on his face, he slung the quiver and bow over his shoulder, hurrying back through the tower to the main living area. Sure enough, the team was assembled - but they didn't look like they were ready for battle. If anything, he could assume they'd already been gathered in the kitchen, given a few of the team's state of dress. Shifting his bow, he looked at his teammates. [color=#4169e1]"I'm ready when you are,"[/color] he told the room. [color=#4169e1]"Anyone not flying or running?"[/color] Unfortunately, given the fact that the rest of his team had powers, Jasper was a little left behind when it came to transportation. He'd either have to rely on one of them to get him there, or take either his bike or the team's car. It really depended on whether or not someone else was going to be traveling with him. He could've just left without speaking with them, but he could practically feel his mentor's disappointment for even entertaining that thought. Being on a team meant communication, even if it was for something as simple as transportation to the scene of a crime.