Okay so this is gonna be loosely inspiring by Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation. We've got two kingdoms who were once living side by side in peace, but have sunk into a seven year war. Pride has taken the lives of many across the land as both sides fight, but fail to recall as to how or why the war even started. Unbeknownst to the fighters on both sides, the rulers are being controlled by a demon from another world who travels from world to world, raining destruction upon its lands in order to fuel its own life force. The two kingdoms continue to fight as innocent people are left to fend for themselves. Two siblings have traveled from another world where the demon has already conquered, to try and save this world from the demonic fate that oppresses and deceives. We will take the form of a small sized group of fighters who have put aside their personal differences in order to try and fight both sides of the war in order to reveal the true enemy, the demon. I will be playing both twins and probably 1-2 side roles when I want to give one or two twins a rest. I'd rather us mix things up than get too comfortable with our in-character dynamics and I think carefully managing the posts so they don't get out of hand, will be a good way to ensure we don't get bored or tired of writing. So we've got magic, certain characters who can turn into beasts with the use of a rune, we've got characters who can ride stuff and characters who can slice through bone. So my two twins will be established in each side of the kingdoms (Nohr and Hoshido, think of Hoshido like feudal Japan and Norh a bit more British ish in style). But you can google to see what I mean there. So I have some ideas as to how best integrate my characters with yours. And if something looks good to you, great, otherwise, we can keep brainstorming. And I'm keeping gender out of the ideas, to keep things more simple but they'll be one of each so whichever we decide goes where, is fine with me. I'm not picky. - One of the twins is one of your character's servants or retainers. The twin was selected by your character at a young age, thanks to my character's skill in...whatever they do. - One of the twins is younger sibling to one of yours, peppy and encouraging. - One of the twins is a childhood friend of yours but instead of being a retainer of sorts, they joined the army to become a knight (or something) and have recently reunited to bring the issue to light. - One of the twins is maid/butler who serves an NPC sibling who refuses to listen to my character's warning. But when they don't listen, your character does and mine leaves with them to gather more people. I'm not sure if I should bring this up since I feel like I'm throwing information at you and we're not sure which we're keeping and discarding but...why not? The world the twins come from has a curse and if you speak of the demon, say it's name or anything relating to the lost world, you vanish forever. So we could have the twins take the group there (or have taken them there prior to use starting) to reveal the truth. I think the point of that is to make it hard to convince others since 'proof' isn't easy to have when you're just being vague about some other enemy. So we can use that or not but I thought I'd mention it to see what you thought. I'm done rambling. But hey, it's great we're getting the old band back together! I still have better hopes for our Yokai Watch thing, I'd almost rather do a 1z1 out of that but hey, fantasy is our thing. And this should be fun too. XD