1.) When you are messaged about a 1v1 and respond to that person. Without getting a response back. The person then goes offline never to be seen again. 2.) If and when you have an idea for something, state it. Don't hint towards it unless its supposed to be something to find out. Its annoying when you see a person clearly unhappy bout something, but to afraid to say anything. Even when everyone else is saying something. 3.) Those who kiss up to anyone just for perks. Its annoying and if you do it to me I want to drop kick you. 4.) When someone tries to correct someone else and is wrong about their correction. Like seriously Brut get your facts straight, or they have worse grammar/ more errors than you and really have no right to correct which ' too' you use. 5.) When I state something I was thinking for my character and get ignored. Especially in 1v1's its annoying because you cater to their character wants get nothing in return 6.) Keeping on the started above. I am fine with present tense, if you use it right, but talking future tense gets very confusing and annoying.