[hider= Eise Torell] Name: Eise Torell (pronounced like 'ice') Age: 22 Country of Origin: Sweden Power(s): Lashing - Eise lashes a person or thing to a surface or direction, making that the lashed object's 'down' direction. An object can be lashed multiple times, either to multiply the force of the lashing or to apply multiple lashings in different directions to apply a complex lashing. Lashing two objects or surfaces to each other makes it extremely difficult to separate the two. Lashings decay over time once they're established, and the more energy is initially put into the lashing, the longer it will last before wearing off. Greek Name: Rho Appearance:[img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/266/0/f/selwyn_by_nimzea-d6nmhb7.png] Personality: Eise tries to act like he's a badass, but he isn't. He's got more in common with a teddy bear. He's really a nice guy, always going out of his way to help and take care of others, especially when he can downplay his involvement, or even better, when he can do it without them even finding out it was him. Eise doesn't like hurting others, but he knows that it's a necessary evil on occasion. If someone has to do it, he'd rather not force the burden on someone else. History: Eise grew up in a small home, with his parents and older sister. He and his sister had never gotten along the best, and they always fought over stupid little things that didn't really matter, and he thought his parents were too strict when it came to curfews and staying out and how he dressed and who he hung out with and basically everything else too, but he'd never wished them dead. They didn't deserve to die the way they did. His mother died first. She had it easy, not having to see the others get sick and die. Eise didn't know it, but by then his father and sister were both barely alive as well. Father held it together for a few weeks, and his sister lasted even longer. She stayed strong for him, hiding the fact that she was almost dead from her brother. She made herself disappear when she knew she wasn't going to last any longer, but she'd left a trail that Eise followed, and at the end of that trail he found her, dead, cold, floating in an icy lake. He doesn't remember exactly what he did after that, but the next thing he knew, he was standing in the middle of a snowy street, structures all around looking like they had been tossed by a toddler throwing a tantrum. That's not too far from the truth. After some wanderings to clear his head, he turned himself in to the authorities, telling them exactly who he was and what he had done, what he could do. He's been working with the government, trying to find other people like him, to get to them, to protect them, to save them, ever since. Other: His power is completely stolen from Brandon Sanderson's "Stormlight" series. Felt bad about it at first, then I thought about how original most powers are.[/hider] Just moving this to the real OOC thread. He's with the government, and I changed his Greek name to Rho.