[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/script-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Angel%20Vollen&name=scriptina.ttf&size=55&style_color=f26522[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] The light was slowly starting to fade from outside and it seemed like the Griffin's camp was starting to wind down for the day as everyone was getting ready for dinner. This was Angel's favorite time of the day as she would normally be able to enjoy the sunset, but this was not one of those days as she was stuck in her tattoo parlor on the edge of the village finishing up a tattoo on one of the soldiers. It was a new project and she had only just started today meaning that the only pieces of the skeletal knight that were finished was the base outline as well as an unenchanted rune. [color=f26522]"And that will do it for today."[/color] She said with a smile as she straightened up and turned off her machine. [color=f26522]"Next session, I will activate the rune as well as give some coloring to the piece."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Thanks a lot for this." [/color] [color=f26522]"No problem. Just take care of it and remember apply lotion and no scratching."[/color] Angel called out after him as he left the building. She enjoyed this peaceful time after a session when she was cleaning up and could unwind and just relax while taking apart her machines. That was when she felt her stomach ache and remembered that she had skipped lunch to finish a session drawings. It was about that time for her to get over to the dining building to grab some dinner before it was gone. It wasn't long before she stepped into a busy cafeteria with few empty seats, but that didn't stop her from getting her food and find an empty spot to settle into. Angel fished in the bag she had with her for her sketchbook and a pencil before starting her food. This was one of those moments where she was engrossed in her art and just wanted to finish the piece that she had been working on even if it meant skipping her food which wasn't much of an option either.