Heavy breathing soon fogged up the car window as the young musician rested her head against the cool glass; her pale skin was flushed with color from a mix of fear and signs of exertion. Groaning softly Saki rested a hand against her side, a stitch gleefully making itself known, it had been years since the slender woman was forced to run like that. Her mind was still reeling trying to understand and absorb what just happened, the last thing she could remember was Natazume asking if she had felt uneasy. The scenery rolled by pleasantly, happy and cheerful as if nothing had happened. She frowned slightly, what had happened...she had been sitting on the bank watching everyone else mingle and play her feet dangling into the water, the warm summer sun heating her back. A book was precariously perched on her lap, flipped open to a random page with bright pictures and flowing script simply waiting to be read. Calloused fingers toyed with the books fraying edges; another one of her father’s collection, it spoke of demons and conquest, a tale about a young man sucked into the netherworld and how he fought bravely to return back to his beloved. In truth it was a child’s tale; something one’s parents would read to them before bed, either that or warn them off to sleep with tales about monsters yokai eating your soul for misbehaving. She had always enjoyed those better than simple fairy tales. The rest had become a blur, the box of watches, Taka’s childish jest about severed hands, even her own curiosity towards the strange gadget. The multi-colored mist was still vivid in her mind as was the Oni it had brought with it, now that she had time to think on it she frowned realizing she had left her book sprawled out on the shrine steps where she had dropped it in the mad dash down the mountain. She wondered if it was still in one piece and if she would have the time to go get it. As the car slowed down so did her breathing, the car cut off as if shuddering from the same exhaustion settling into her muscles. She was definitely going to feel this in the morning but for now she slide out of the car rejoining the others offering a non-verbal grunt in reply of the inquiry about the group's well being. Calloused fingers rummaged through her short hair removing pieces of twig and brush as she did a quick inspection of herself, her glasses seemed to have survived the ideal with remarkably little damage. Still frazzled by the events Saki had to run to catch up with the others heading towards the clock store, taking the time to inspect the watch on her arm. It really did seem like a kid's toy, the colored dial against the white casing, the strange scope attached to it. Flipping it open she looked through it seeing the small creatures appear in its view once again, different shapes and sizes passed through the view as she filed into the store snapping it close returning her attention to Tamago as he asked about them and the strange creature that had chased them down the mountain. The explanation peaked her interest her head tilting slightly to the side as she continued to listen to her friends ask question and make comments. “Be friend demons….?” Sake mused looking back at the watch wondering if the cook book she had recently started reading had actual merit, though her attempt at creating treats left little to be desired; she was even having a hard time pushing the strange concoctions off on her friends. “Do they actually like treats?” Her question was seemingly lost as Whisper popped into life happily chattering on and on about how he was a spiritual guide and be happy to answer any questions. He reminded her of the man who gave tours of the town always going on about how great everything was. Kazumi raised a good point in asking why the box had been left carelessly on the mountain side, even Saki would admit that seemed bad for business. Wouldn’t it have been better to sell them off to people willing to take up the task. She found herself sliding forward to the front of the group to gain a better look at Whisper, noticing that Tamago could easily wave his hand through the strange creature. “I’m Sayuki, but everyone calls my Saki.” Her greeting was cheerful enough as she looked him over, “Ne, do all demons talk? Or are some more animalistic?”