[hider=Clementine Mayweather: Yellow Ranger][h1][b][center][color=fff200]Clementine Mayweather[/color][/center][/b][/h1][color=fff200][b]Name:[/b][/color] Clementine Mayweather [color=fff200][b]Nickname/Alias:[/b][/color] N/A [color=fff200][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=fff200][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=fff200][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/color] South American - African American mix [color=fff200][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=fff200][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine is 5'11" with a thin frame. She has dark skin, light brown eyes, and shoulder-length black hair that she straightens because her supervisor has commented a few times that she needs to look 'presentable'. One thing she won't budge on is her use of glasses, though her supervisor has mentioned several times that she should switch to contacts or get eye surgery done, she continues to wear a pair of large, square-framed, dorky-looking glasses. Clementine is easy to ignore, often preemptively getting out of people's way, and appears weak and unintimidating. She goes a little heavy on the makeup sometimes, not having mastered the art of 'making it look like she's not wearing makeup'.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Clothing:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine doesn't have her own style (or doesn't have enough confidence to establish her own style) and defaults to business formal, usually wearing a professional blouse with a pencil skirt that goes below the knees. Colors are usually grey or black outer wear with white inner wear.[/indent] [hr][center][h1][b][color=fff200]In The Mind[/color][/b][/h1][/center][color=fff200][b]Personality:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine is compliant, complacent, and caves easily to demands and stress. Clementine doesn't have a very large comfort zone, but she will step out of it if pushed or pressured by others. Clementine has always preferred peace to conflict, but her years of serving Galatec have engineered in her a meekness and servility that is difficult for her to shake off. She sympathizes with those who struggle and desires to lift their burdens from them despite her seeming lack of confidence and ability. She can be easily convinced with arguments of 'for the greater good'. She does however have a strong sense of responsibility and will do her utmost to fulfill the task that has been entrusted to her as the thought of letting people down pains her greatly. While she is unsure if she is doing the right thing as a ranger, she will uphold the mantle in order to fulfill expectations that have been placed upon her. She bends to the will of authority as well as to the will of the majority and becomes extremely conflicted when the two do not agree. She is extremely tolerant of others and comes off as very non-judgmental. Clementine will give anyone a chance or two. Clementine has an attention to detail that can be both a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately, her indoctrination at the hands of Galatec have left her with very low self-confidence and she is more capable than she believes.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Likes:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine likes harmony and nature, though God knows she doesn't get enough exposure to either. She also has an uncharacteristic love of insects and sea life. Clementine is most comfortable with routine and habit. Clementine prefers to take life slowly and plan things out meticulously.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine hates last minute decisions/changes, chaos, and conflict, especially internal conflict. She also doesn't like loud, unexpected sounds. Clementine doesn't like people who can only see things from their own perspective.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Fears:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine is afraid of harsh judgment and not being forgiven. She is afraid of being dominated. She is afraid for the fruits of her good intentions to result in horrible consequences for others.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Quirks:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine has a tendency to adjust her glasses out of nervousness, even if she's not wearing her glasses. She is also unexpectedly good with machines, and often fixed office equipment malfunctions and networking issues at her workplace.[/indent] [hr][center][h1][b][color=fff200]Where They’ve Been[/color][/b][/h1][/center][color=fff200][b]History:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine was born to a happy couple living on New Earth. From a young age, Clementine was told she could be anything. While this was, for the most part, an aspect of positive encouragement, It did make Clementine a bit noncommittal, floating from passion to passion, subject to subject, unable to decide what she 'wanted to do for the rest of her life'. But it wasn't that big an issue, after all, she was fourteen, and just starting high school. That was when Galatec came, with their promises of wonderful commodities and merchandise. Two years in, Clementine's school became a pilot project to test Galatec's revolutionary education system, one that promised future financial stability and a fast-pass into a much-coveted position with Galatec. The fed consumerism was taking effect, and people became more willing to set aside their dreams, passions, and lifetime goals for such an opportunity. For the next two years, Clementine was taught about scarcity and competition, taught to envy the success of others and the need for open display of economic success. It didn't come as too much of a shock, after all, these vices already existed in humans despite the fact that humans had thought they had 'moved away' from such pettiness. Clementine was shown only one path to success and security: Galatec. Galatec made an example of any entrepreneurs seeking to establish their own success, using discreet methods to have such ventures result in catastrophic failure. People saw that somehow, life away from Galatec was just too much of a risk, and hardly worth the effort. So without ever discovering her own passion, Clementine graduated with her Galatec-approved diploma and joined the grind that was Galatec corporate life, being relocated somewhere away from her parents. The Galatec corporate environment was a dichotomy of absolute hierarchy and total chaos. Fluid projects, sudden management changes, and team reshufflings kept Clementine on her toes constantly and never staying in the same cubicle or position for long. During her time there, she had been a janitor, accountant, secretary, software debugger, and any number of other banal yet stressful jobs. She clung to small acts of token appreciation: raises that meant nothing due to Galatec adjusted inflation, pointless mugs, meaningless 'employee of the week' awards, etc., always convincing herself that she was only a month or so away from that promotion she thought she really wanted. After six years as a cog in the Galatec machine, Clementine was different. She had stopped contacting her parents and they her. It had dawned too late that this was not the life she wanted, but living paycheck to paycheck and getting home exhausted every night with only the desire to keep up with her shows and have a less-than-satisfying Galatec readi-meal for dinner kept her from thinking too much about possible alternatives. The thing was, Galatec pacified different people with different methods, some were made complacent with a satisfactory amount of happiness, Galatec kept them content. Some were made complacent with hopelessness and distraction, and Clementine's prescription was a subtle combination of both; they kept her ever so busy while adjusting her ability to make ends meet and constantly bombarding her with the consumerist desire to make unnecessary and unwise purchases just to maintain the appearance of social and economic standing. She was stuck in an endless loop of constantly trying to squeeze what little enjoyment she could out of her mundane and depressing existence, to convince herself that she had a good quality of life. Then, in another one of those sudden relocations, Clementine was sent to bookkeep for the mining colony of Red Rocks, where her fate would be changed forever.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Talents:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine is a careful planner. While not the most tactical or strategic, she can follow instructions and stick to a plan meticulously. She also has a strong affinity for math and technology. Clementine empathizes easily with the weak and voiceless. While not particularly skilled or athletic, Clementine has managed to keep her body decently healthy in order to conform with employee beauty/health standards, and participated in company-sponsored routine morning calisthenics because it keeps her mind sharp for her work.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Hindrances:[/b][/color] [indent]Clementine lacks confidence and decision-making skills. Clementine also has no combat experience. Clementine believes that Githkin are Galatec mass-produced robots that merely look organic. As such, 'destroying' them won't be much of an issue for her until she learns that she is in fact 'killing' them.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Morpher (Yellow Ranger), glasses. [hr][center][h1][b][color=fff200]Bonus Round[/color][/b][/h1][/center][color=fff200][b]Quotes:[/b][/color][indent]"I-I'll try to help as much as I can." "You're not the only one who's suffering. The people need to rest from all this fighting. You can't keep pushing them like this."[/indent][color=fff200][b]Theme Song:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Houkiboshi][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w5Esm_nvKM[/youtube][/hider][/indent][color=fff200][b]Aspiration:[/b][/color] Clementine wants an end to conflict and a return of individual passion, including her own. [hr][center][h1][b][color=fff200]It’s Morphin’ Time![/color][/b][/h1][/center][color=fff200][b]Color Designation:[/b][/color] Yellow [color=fff200][b]Primary Weapon:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine's weapon is a spear. Spears are one of the easiest weapons for a combat novice to wield. It allows her to keep enemies at length, giving her a comfort zone as well as time to figure out her next move.[hider=Spear][img]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/golden-zombieslayer-spear/GoldenZombieSlayerSpear.png[/img][/hider][/indent][color=fff200][b]Energy Shield:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine's shield is octagonal and is mostly transparent with concentric octagonal rings emanating from the center.[hider=Shield][img]http://jsdo-it-static-contents.s3.amazonaws.com/images/capture/z/y/3/zy3P.jpg?t=1373109069[/img][/hider][/indent][color=fff200][b]Blaster Design:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine's blaster is a short pistol with a yellow, rounded square barrel. The handle and trigger are black. The gun is small and lightweight, with its center of gravity being in the grip rather than too far to the front near the barrel, allowing Clementine to handle the weapon with considerable ease. The weapon also has little to no kickback, preventing drift and allowing Clementine to fire repeatedly in the same direction without losing too much accuracy. The laser sight attached under the barrel also helps. The weapon doesn't make Clementine a great shot though, if anything, the ease of use of the weapon compensates for her initially poor marksmanship.[hider=Blaster][img]http://www.selfdefensegearco.com/Images/USPersonalDefense/JPX4yellowbarrel_WEB.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent][color=fff200][b]Powers:[/b][/color][indent]Clementine possesses the power of Solar Flare. Excellent support is provided by burning brighter than the sun, blinding everyone and everything in the immediate vicinity, with the exception of other rangers. It helps her create a distraction and buy time for her teammates.[/indent][color=fff200][b]Zords:[/b][/color][indent][hider=Zord][img]http://www.reactionface.info/sites/default/files/images/1287666826226.png[/img][/hider][/indent][/hider]