Chloetta was distraught yet unsurprised at the attack. Her company under the leadership of Bern, have attacked the many Plegian towns and cities. Honestly, she was more surprised the Plegians had not struck sooner. This wasn't really what she expected once she had been transferred. She missed the old days when it was about defending people, not slaughering them. Still, Grima worship had a potential to come back and bite the known world in the rear. Bern's thoughts were in the right place, but his actions. . . His actions were wrong. Holiness and Righteousness? Bah! Villiany and Wickedness was more like it. As long as she didn't have to dirty her hands in that nastiness, then perhaps it would work itself out anyhow. Bern has the trust of the Church that her father once belonged to so she might as well trust his judgement. [hr] Now they were moving camp. This small group was absolutely no match for the Plegian forces if they decided to show their faces. One way or another, Chloetta was sure they would give no mercy as the Church army has been. Now was a great time to care for scouts or spys and hope that there was none in the not so distant future. At least some of the wounded seemed to be active again, helping vacate the others still immobile from their injuries. Perhaps now was a good time to see what their peerless leader is up to. The camp around her was fairly active. Not nearly as so since the loss of all their comrades in the recent assault. The Troubadour walked into Bern's tend and gave a light bow, [color=yellow]"Greetings again, Brother Bern. Are you fine? Not that I was there, but that ambush sounded horrid. I'm aware I asked earlier, but did you require healing? "[/color] She showed her staff to the man and gave a quick look over him. Really, he didn't seem to be in such bad shape, so perhaps it was unnecessary. [color=yellow]"Or, perhaps not? Still, it's a pity of how much life was lost today."[/color] She was careful with what she said around her fellow brothers and sisters of the church. She wanted to say it was a pity and there was much unnecessary death on both sides, but Bern might have taken that the wrong way. [color=yellow]"I heard Genna. So it's back to the main force now? It would be difficult to even consider fighting the Plegian Forces head-on as we are I suppose. Any plans beyond that?"[/color] [@Apollosarcher]