[color=Palegoldenrod][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQl9lH1qxo9gD-wPTZDBEhvFLURoIuBqckHw0ZmJAitRIoEzBnzWFvjVhLwOw[/img] [h1]Jayanti Soman[/h1] [h2]Obstacle course [/h2] [h1]Interacting with: Ky'vie [@Vicier][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] As was everyone else at the accusation against Griffin, Jayanti was shocked. She'd had been at camp for 5 years now and never has she considered the son of Hermes steal something so powerful. He was cheeky and well-humoured. His pranks often sent Jayanti into fits laughter that'd leave her stomach sore but he wasn't evil or anything. She pursed her lips as he chose his squad. Jess was busy eyeing out the new girl and Gabe and Syl were talking. Good. The 2 of them had something to discuss, they'd make a cute couple, the country bumpkin pumpkin and the bubbly girl. Jayanti slipped over to Ky'vie. "Look at you lucky ducks going on a quest!" She greeted her cheerfully. The group probably needed all positivity they could get and Jayanti always had enough of that to go around. "Seriously though, if you need anything please give me a call." She hands Ky' vie a couple of golden drachmae from the pockets of her jeans. "You remember how to use Iris-message right? We get the [i]best[/i] reception in cabin seventeen!" [/color]