[center][h2][color=silver]Damien Valefor[/color][/h2] [sub][color=silver]"Just Vale, if you'd please, friends!"[/color][/sub][/center] It was a pleasant night for a hunt! Actually, it wasn't. It was never a pleasant night to do anything outside of the town's border's with the lingering threat of painful, agonizing death always following a few footsteps behind unsuspecting [i]fools[/i]. It was bothersome that anyone would think otherwise, and for those who'd been familiar with the shrill tone of voice that tore its way out of Damien's mouth, it was bothersome to hear it over, and over again. [color=silver]"What a pleasant night for a hunt! I'm positively full of energy, I say with, [i]perhaps far too much[/i], [sub]a tad overbearing isn't it[/sub], [b]vigor[/b]! Aren't you, friend? Ohoho!"[/color] Damien sung, as he usually would, with a consistent flicker in his tone of voice. The grammatically baffling man of pale presentation nodded happily as he addressed a random passerby on the road out of town, passing by a relatively bustling tavern as he did so. [color=silver]"Ah, not a moment too dry for Hustling hunter, [i]heavy with...[/i] What could it be today, pride? Prejudice? An empty sense of,[i] albeit quite far fetched[/i], love?"[/silver] He quipped with a toothy grin. What [i]was[/i] today's catalyst for discussion? It was never a dull moment at Bobby's place, the only questions were who, what, and why? Damien popped his head in curiously for a few moments, but didn't bother to stick around, immediately leaving the tavern with a fleeting glimpse of his jester-like expression for any who were unfortunate enough to notice his intrusion. [color=silver]"Ho~hum, no distractions, [i]no no[/i]. A time and place, [i]where was I going anyways,[/i] I've lost my train of thought, come to think of it!"[/color] Amazing, wasn't it? A moment earlier, his mind was flooded with thrills. Now he stood there, his smile fading as he forgot every little detail of his evening regimen. Baffling! [color=silver]"Hmmmm..."[/color] Damien spun around on one foot and peered back into Bobby's tavern once again, curiosity getting the better of him. He was always an easily distracted scoundrel, after all. Who could remember the last time that he'd followed through with his plans? Definitely not Damien.