I think an awesome RP idea would be a Harry Potter where Professor Umbridge and Professor Slughorn get together. That would be an awesome pairing/RP idea, at least I think so. They are both such wonderful characters and would go so well together. If anyone would be interested in that idea, I definitely would like to try that. Then there is a Bellatrix Lestrange/Sirius BLack pairing idea I had. I know they are technically cousins and all, but incest is wincest right?! Another idea I had, but have been too afraid to pitch myself is Hagrid/Hermione. This one could even go as far as to be downright smutty, so it would have to be in PM of course. But I mean, I can't be the only one who has really thought that Hagrid and Hermione getting together would be so damn [i]hot[/i] though. I think it's partly because of Hagrid's projected size, if he remains anatomically correct. [hider=Spoiler Alert]I'm not this twisted people, just kidding xD xD :'D :'D[/hider]