[center][h2]A Dance for the Guests[/h2][/center] [center][i]Tracyarmav[/i][/center] [center]Calder Dylan, Et. al.[/center] [center]Day 3, noon.[/center] [color=8882be][i]Calder kept an eye on his charge, but he did his best not to hover. Ludelle could take care of herself, Izual... was another matter altogether, but also not his charge, yet. Though depending on who this Bunny person was, Calder wouldn't be surprised to find the hellspawned in his care by next week, or Crow's care, if Izual was particularly unlucky. Calder moved around the dance floor, still with the bright and somewhat brutal child Rini. He moved with grace of the fae mother he'd been born to, aided somewhat by his fluid nature of his father's elemental nature. His motions flowed seamlessly from one to the other, with little to no apparent effort. The gently rolling deck beneath him, was no hindrance, and in fact seemed to add to his already exquisite form. As he danced he watched the knights around him, observing the reception in a rather detached manner, though he was careful to show his enjoyment of the festivities. He hadn't had an opportunity to meet most of the newer knights yet, and this might be all the chance he got to see any of them in a purely social setting, if things were to continue as they had. Calder wasn't certain they would, but his work was growing, and he had a few side jobs sitting on the shelf to get to when he got the chance, but it seemed like the tower would keep him entertained for at least a few more seasons. And there wasn't a set deadline on the jobs so they could wait as long he wanted to be here. The music faded for a moment, giving the dancers, and the musicians, a break. Calder sent Rini to collect some refreshments for the two of them. He gazed around the deck, noting who was still up on deck, and who had found quieter locals for their own enjoyment. He smiled to see everyone enjoying themselves, and the wondrous setting Stormlord had found for the reception. The man certainly knew how to throw a party. Calder stood amidships, by the port rail, waiting for Rini to return with whatever she'd found, or someone else to approach him.[/i][/color]