[center][b]Friday April 15'th 2016 8:06 PM Timers and More[/b][/center] When Kazumi tried to assure her, despite the bizarre circumstances, Natazume could only let out a grumbling whine. Meanwhile Whisper turned his attention to the other woman named Kazumi who asked whether or not the other demons were friends with other people. "It's entirely possible that other spirits are friends with other wearers of your watches. Those are an older prototype, I see Mortimer has been neglecting his tinkering with the spiritual electronics. Hmmm?" The floating wisp gave his old friend a look of amused disapproval. Before Whisper could ponder the girl's second question, Mr. Goodsight spoke up again. "I was hoping someone would find them. They are old...like me." He laughed a little. "I couldn't bear to part with them so I hid them, hoping they would be discovered but it took several years it seems..." He glanced to Whisper. "He is right in mentioning there are other types of watches used to summon spirits. These were one of the first models. You might think I should save them but then they wouldn't be serving their purpose. Only those with true adventure in their heart should have them." He explained. At one of the boy's comments about them looking childish, Mr. Goodsight huffed. "Back in the day, bright colors were all the rage, I'll have you know!" "When? The 60s?" Tamago joked. "But I like them, they're eye catching!" He spoke up. "If you want to bother me some more, come back tomorrow. I'm missing my shows!" Mortimer snapped. Whisper then turned his attention to Sayuki who said to call her Saki. "Hello hello, my dear." He smiled wide at her. He then remembered her question which almost got lost in the ramblings of the old man. "Oh, yes, we love treats!" Whisper confirmed. "Some love candy, some love drinks and others like vegetables, you'll just have to figure out which they like. The more happy they are, the better their abilities are." He said and moved around to where Natazume was. The woman finally collected herself and pushed herself up to rejoin the others, Whisper silently followed, still observing the group of young adults. "You all are able to summon me at will, of course if I'm with someone and I'm summoned elsewhere, I'll vanish into a puff of smoke. Just try not to summon me when you're in the middle of on coming traffic or in the middle of a snowstorm. Of course you might not even see me in a snowstorm..." He shook his head a little. Tamago gave a nod and put the medal in his pocket and glanced to the owner of the shop was still giving them a grumpy look. "I think we better go guys..." Tamago spoke up. Natazume nodded and rubbed her face. "Do you think it's safe out there?" She couldn't believe she was asking such a thing but after almost being murdered by a gigantic demon, she felt she had to ask. "What if that demon shows up again?" "He doesn't show up twice in one night and only if there's trouble afoot!" Mortimer mentioned. "If you ask us, [i]he's[/i] the trouble." Tamago said. "But yeah there isn't anywhere that's open close by unless you count the Everymart." He mentioned as they all started to head toward the exit with Whisper following overhead. "Why don't we just call it a night? I gotta say our camping trip is probably off the table now." As cool as it might be to go back and look for more demons, Tamago had a sudden urge to be back in his real bed where it was safe. "But maybe we should all meet at the Community Center in Uptown? Maybe we can find some awesome request that could net us some cash or something?" "Oh how noble, I like you already!" Whisper said.