I was thinking 23-28 range? So in their 20s? Maybe one of them a bit older? I figured the older they are, the better they'll be in combat but if one is younger, that's fine too. And so one pair would be in one kingdom and the other pair, in the other one. We'll just have to decide which pair we want where, at least for their background. I don't think we'll be literally starting in either kingdom for our intro posts, we probably still need to decide that. And good! Glad to help, it sounded less complicated when someone else was explaining it... Sure thing. So I'm thinking my knight might be my female with the slightly younger sibling to yours, be my male. I'm thinking my knight will be around 26 with my male probably around 20 or 21...I envisioned him around 9-11 but I really don't feel like making someone that young...but hey, it's still possible to be bubbly and optimist after you hit your 20s right...? Right?! :| But that also means the war started when my characters were 19 and 14. So I think that would work for me. What are you thinking with yours?