[center]~|Day 2, 21: 56 GST|~ ~|Ven'ren Animal Pens and Sith Practice Chambers|~[/center] The training area had been empty, so Ven'ren had taken to training there alone, but now mild curiosity drew him towards the sounds coming from the beast pens. He chose to still stay out of sight. Straight corridors do not have specific hiding spots aside from staying behind corners, but one can still stick to those, to shadows and simply stand in places people are less likely to turn their heads towards. Ven'ren had become reasonably proficient with all those tricks in later years. Two apprentices were in the animal pens. He had not really spoken to either though he had seen them in the passing, and believed he could place their names at least. He did not approach them though, in case they were doing something they did not want to be disturbed in. Or something they didn't want people to know about.