[center][hider=Dante] [center][hider=Appearance][img]http://s2.favim.com/orig/30/anime-art-chain-drawing-guy-Favim.com-246335.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Phoenix Form][img]http://media.tumblr.com/806e54fbbeaa15de0d7c67b570e6bd6f/tumblr_inline_mpoddsQAtS1qz4rgp.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][color=#FF0000]D A N T E F E L I X[/color][/center] [color=#fff000]Age:[/color] 80 (Looks 18) [color=#ff9900]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#cc3300]Species:[/color] Phoenix [color=#ff0000]Personality:[/color] He tend to not trust others, not wanting to risk his life for another. He’s very fond of his eyesight, depending on it constantly to seek out enemies or allies, therefore he tries to play it safe, keeping out of trouble and laying low. He is also a quiet sort of person, preferring to keep his thoughts himself. [color=#cc3300]Abilities/Skills:[/color] He can turn into a phoenix and back into his human form. Phoenix’s have enhanced senses with fast regeneration and their tears can heal. They also can self-resurrect themselves. [color=#ff9900]Weaknesses:[/color] His memories of the past are fragmented and fragile, and his eyesight also deteriorates with each resurrection. However, unlike the other phoenix’s his eyesight is deteriorating at a faster rate than the others. [color=#ffff00]Brief history/background:[/color] Dante has already lived through two lifetimes, which is pretty little to the average phoenix. He had revived only twice through the ashes and he tends to confuse some memories from his past life. His vision is already becoming slightly blurry, causing him to wear glasses now. He has to be careful now, because the next time he resurrects, he may become completely blind.[/center][hr] [right][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/110414981/large.png[/img][/right][/hider][/center]