[color=purple] [center] [h1] Matsushima Momiji [/h1] [/center] [/color] As expected of the day, Matsushima Momiji woke up at her usual 12:00 pm during the days she was not forced to school. After all, the purpose of “getting up” tended towards “effort”, and though Momiji believed herself to be a rather spry young lady, if there was little purpose in an instance of effort, then the effort was wasted, and frugality is an idea that people should live by. [color=purple] “Meh.” [/color] Momiji thought to herself if she should really get up. After all, she was dulling from the break, and the weather outside was definitely less than optimal for any activities she would want to accomplish. Though not a very outgoing person, Momiji did dislike staying in the same place for too long. Of course, while considering this option, she had both heard and felt the rumbling that seemed to shake the foundation of her apartment. A bestial roar of a monster that would have made the heart of the greatest slayers coward themselves. [color=Purple] “Oh, I’m hungry.” [/color] A simple observation. Momiji had not eaten her standard breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Cause and effect in action. Sleep in and you get hungry due to inactivity. Thus, Momiji figured the best use of her time would be to make some lunch. Getting out of her bed, Momiji entered the living room-cum-kitchen of her apartment. Though a bit tidy and clean, it seemed almost overly quiet, besides the petite steps of Momiji. It was as if no one else lived here. A single bedroom, livingroom, kitchen, and bathroom were all that existed within this flat. However, Momiji was but a girl. Though she did not tend to appear her age, she was genuinely 17 years old, and there was no way that a 17 year old going through school would be able to afford such a ritzy apartment. Though she tended to prefer the silence over what her life used to be. Her family was once peaceful, but a series of unfortunate events caused Momiji to desire peace from her former chains. Thus, her father paid for her lifestyle under the condition that she would continue schooling. [color=Purple]“No food…” [/color] Momiji commented after opening both her pantry and refrigerator. Nothing. Just an expansive emptiness like the distance between atoms and their valence. [color=purple]“Sigh. I really don’t want to go out and get food today.” [/color] Of course, she would have to. After all, there had to be a way to satiate her hunger. And that was the money her father gave her every month to her bank account, much more than she would ever be able to spend in a single month. Of course, she understood that her father loved her, as all fathers do, but never really felt her was able to feel his love. After all, money was one thing, but affection from a father is worth more than gold to the psyche of a child. A certain game was something she believed would have allowed her this ability to meet other "Players" and form bonds through this means. Perhaps she was being a bit optimistic in this regard. Perhaps she simply wanted an excuse to continue on her rather "cold" streak toward her classmates. She was merely a facade of a person. One could not consider how she carried herself to be truly "living", but rather "existing". Perhaps, as her mother had put it oh-so delicately not too long ago: "perhaps it would have been better if you were never born". Parent of the year. Momiji was used to this sort of treatment. Her family came from money, and her father had cheated on her mother, filing for divorce and remarrying. Her mother had always resented her after this, needing someone to blame over her father's infidelity. Of course, Momiji had nothing to do with this incident, however, when one is in emotional distress one is not able to think correctly, as Momiji would latter get an apology from her mother regarding to this sentence. Perhaps it would have been better to keep the sentience that Momiji's mother did not wish for her, as it was more painful to see her mother, a shell of the woman she had remembered from childhood, than the words spoken. Thus, Momiji chose to live alone in an apartment. At least, her father was kind enough to support this pursuit. [color=purple] “I did really want to try out that one cafe that opened up. I think I have a flier somewhere around here.” [/color] After a short while of rummaging through her drawers, she eventually came across what she was looking for. A simple piece of paper that had a menu and a few marginalia on the of the paper. Of course, it held the address and a bit of information regarding the store itself like the menu. [color=Purple] “Angel Mort,” [/color] Momiji read aloud. Well, that is where she would spend her lunchtime, it seems. So she dressed in a jacket and took an umbrella to protect against the rain. Arriving at the address, she entered the cafe to be greeted by a most pleasing sight. A line of maids ready to serve. Well, one could say that Momiji was an individual of “interesting tastes”, to say the least. Someone who enjoyed the idea of something “cute”. After all, the world ran on cute itself! And Momiji was a cute girl in her prime, thus she should admire the cute maids at the Maid Cafe Angel Mort! Being seated, Momiji scanned the menu for anything she would like to order as she appeared to be out of place in such an establishment. However, a prevalent thought ran through the forefront of Momiji’s mind. After all, “Matsushima Momiji” was not simply who she appeared to be. Known within the exclusive MMO “Brain Burst” as “Purple Progenitor”, she was a King that held the utmost authority over the purple legion. And as the leader of the Purple Legion, [color=Purple] Crepusculi [/color], and as its leader she was obligated to her Legion’s problems A single name was placed on the forefront of her mind as she looked towards the menu. Xero, an enigmatic enemy who had taken the lives of several of her Legion members. The thought that this being had the ability to delete an avatar on defeat was worrying, but the fact that he had attacked her legion was an entirely different matter. Those who would take advantage of her legion would not live much longer. Though her outward diplomatic policy tended towards ensuring the balance between the power and influence of the Kings of Pure Color, she was not one to forgive transgressions easily. Either way, Momiji scanned the menu for anything that would interest her. This “Xero” person would have to wait away from her thoughts, which were now focused on the cute uniforms of the maids in the cafe and how they would look nice on herself, and the idea of eating after being starved for the rest of the day. [hr] [center] [h1] [color=Pink] Daijuuji Kirei [/color] [/h1] [/center] To those who knew him, Kirei was definitely a bit “off”, but not to an extent one would wish to ignore him completely. A man who went to a rather prestigious college in Tokyo. A man who held the total value of 3rd greatest in every single one of his classes. A man who seemed to do the same activities every day at the same time without fail, eating his breakfast at 6am sharp, his lunch at 12 pm sharp, and his dinner at 6pm sharp, with snacks three hours after his lunch and dinner. He entered his classroom 4 minutes before the bell rang everyday. He ate at the same eateries on a weekly basis and had the same meals weekly without fail. Truly an odd man. And today’s lunch, just like he had eaten the week before, was the rice and eggs leftover from yesterday’s dinner. Unlike last week, however, Kirei selected not to eat his lunch in the park, as the weather was rather poor for any outdoor activities. After concluding his meal, he had chosen to do something he normally tended to do. There was a game that he had become invested in. A game where there existed an abnormality. The ability to nearly freeze time and enter a space where one fights between different players in an exchange of blows. However, his skills tended to be better as a support than a true fighter so he often avoided fighting straight 1v1s, but did wish to find another player in the game to play as a duo partner in 2v2 fights. However, since he lacked this duo partner, he didn’t really want to fight against an avatar in single combat. Thus, to get his fill of video games, Kirei chose to go to the local arcade. Maybe others would also be there? Maybe not. Who knows. [hr] [I would post for both Yuuki or Reimi , but I don’t know how I can use the fact that Yuuki is a member of the black legion currently and Reimi wasn’t officially accepted yet]