[u]The Banshees[/u] Maeve and Kiara were lounged in the ice cream palor, waiting for their illustrious leaders to show up. Kiara had three empty bowls in front of her and was looking longingly at the counter again. Maeve, having had only one cone, rolled her eyes. [color=ed1c24]"I don't understand how you can hate the color white, but down three bowls, four double cones, and a split of vanilla ice cream."[/color] [color=598527]"Because it's a yellow or off-white and is literally the best thing in the world. Not like that foul abomination you like."[/color] Kiara replied, clearly debating whether or not to get another vanilla ice cream. [color=ed1c24]"I'll have you know,"[/color] Maeve stated indignantly, [color=ed1c24]"whisky, coffee flavored ice cream, and oreo cookie chunks is a proud traditional mix in my home country."[/color] [color=598527]"Your home country is insane then."[/color] Before Maeve could go on an outraged rant, the Chrono and her Lost number walked in. Maeve raised an eyebrow at the lateness and introduction, but didn't interrupt as Angel went on his long winded explanation and brief mention of what they're actually doing. [ [i][color=ed1c24]You dress like a vampire and carry a coffin,[/color][/i] [i][color=ed1c24]and you wonder why people think you're a vampire or something not human? Well. Even less human than you already are.[/color][/i] [i][color=598527]Hush, he's still explaining things.[/color][/i] [i][color=ed1c24]Like what? That he's the guy that keeps the genocidal six year old in check?[/color][/i] [color=ed1c24][i]Or, as is more often the case, doesn't? We already knew that.[/i][/color] [i][color=598527]Pay attention! Not getting killed by the genocidal six year old and her partner who just subtly threatened us is high on our priority list.[/color][/i] [i][color=ed1c24]Fine. Mom.[/color] [color=598527]How mature of you.[/color][/i] As the two Banshees waged their internal argument, they were suddenly gestured to introduce themselves. Maeve raised an eyebrow in Kiara's direction. [i][color=ed1c24]All yours. You're the charismatic one.[/color] [color=598527]Thank you oh so much.[/color][/i] Kiara stood. [color=598527]"I'm Kiara, my red headed partner is Maeve. We make up the Banshees. I specialize in shadows, she in bone manipulation. I'm the subtle one, she's the punchy one. Most, if not all, of you should know us already. And this shouldn't be too difficult. We, after all, did survive the island."[/color] Kiara smiled at the gathered people, before sitting back down. [i][color=ed1c24]Brief and too the point. I like it.[/color] [color=598527]Thank you.[/color][/i] After everything was said and done, Maeve stood up and stretched. [color=ed1c24]"So. Prevent the Bloodlines from killing each other, try to find out who has joined with the prisoners, and punch people in the face if they try to kill each other. Got it."[/color]