[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Leann McCormick[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/3c2c111c95dbd42541fc631104625572/tumblr_migm7ygOxJ1qjutm4o1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Newnan [b]Interacting With:[/b] No one currently[/center][hr] Leanna nodded slightly before she left the two to do what they needed to. If Alicia and Jame took the Buster without permission there would be hell to pay. Would she execute them for such an infraction? That would depend on if they brought it back or not. Chances were low though; even if Ash said he would take care of it personally it didn't mean that she wouldn't address the situation as well. She was in charge of Newnan, something like this was not likely to be overlooked. Steeling was a major infraction; borrowing however could be looked at from several different angles. They had one thing working in their favor; Ash had not intended to take Buster out for this run; so they weren't leaving him without what he needed. Now to wait and see what all or who all they brought back. It would have to be weighed out then; if they returned. In this world coming back was not always an option. Making her way down to the Armory Leann geared up for a wall patrol. With most of their heavy hitters being out for the next day or two or even longer she would have to put aside the desk work and get her hands dirty. Well not as dirty as those working on the outer wall repairs but a little dirty. Grabbing two tench knives she secured them in place on either thigh, even though she would be taking guns if something popped up she wanted to kill as silently as possible for as long as possible. Two Beretta's and a 995 Carbine later, along with ammo she was set and making her way out to the outer wall perch nearest the repair area. The three groups had rolled out and were long gone now and the sun was starting to become hidden by the clouds. The winds were picking up and the clear smell of rain coming was in the air. In Ga it was a simple smell that anyone that lived there through more than one year knew; the sky would take on a slightly orange tint as the red clay dust got kicked up into the atmosphere, you could smell the Ga clay, the creek waters and the grass. It was a great fresh smell to tell the truth but it meant that a storm was coming... [hr][hr][h1][center][b][i][color=ec008c]Dos[/color] [color=firebrick]Troublemakers[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h1][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Newnan --> Ralls Road [b]Interacting With:[/b] Each Other, Hoard[/center][hr][hr] [i]Well isn't this fun, the route you plan out is never the route you take. You started out heading south on Cornith Road only to find the road was blocked by multiple trees that were down. Maybe you could have busted through with old Buster but in the end it was just quicker to back track a mile and hit Bohannon Rd. It linked up with 29 South in Granville and you could continue on your way there. You did. Things seemed like clear sailing, other than the skies above. Storms where never good but hey it made for a nice cool ride with the windows down. Everything was fine until you came up against a massive hoard trying to cross into the woods south of Ralls Rd. Mother Dick.... Okay, back track people back track. Ralls Rd connects with Norwood Rd and that connects back with Cornith well past the road block up north towards Newnan. Hey, the scenic route is better than a hoard. Sure Buster is made for smashing your way through but it is better to save the smash and grabs for the return trip. [/i][hr] Alicia had been relaxing as James drove, sure they had run into a few issues so far but nothing major. She wanted to drive but she would take her turn at the wheel on the way home. She figured that Ash would focus his anger at her if she was the one behind the wheel when they returned anyways. [color=ec008c]"Son of a bitch!"[/color] Alicia said as she picked up her rifle from the seat; seeing the massive hoard of well over a hundred trying to get across the road. [color=ec008c]"Hard right man! That way!"[/color] she said pointing down Ralls Rd that was coming up. There were some Walkers already on Ralls Rd, the hoard seemed to be heading all in the same direction; that couldn't be good. [color=ec008c]"They're after something,"[/color] she said as she chambered a cartridge into place. Buster would easily break through the spotted amount of Walkers on the road, for now. The main hoard was behind them; for now. [hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Group%20One&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][img]http://imageshack.com/a/img923/9881/HzmKUc.jpg[/img][/center][hr] Seriously, you used a gun? You know that always calls more to the party. It is like saying there is an open bar at a wedding, everyone and their brother wants to join. This time, it was their brother, their mother, their second cousin twice removed, their father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. Every asshole in the vicinity has decided to join up, you are surrounded by assholes! Yeah, keep firing Assholes! Once all three of you have pulled back, you manage to get the door shut and blocked before any more of those left in the house get to you. Seems you had a little luck left but it didn't last long, house hasn't been up-kept for a while and while it hasn't had much damage that door doesn't hold long. Maybe just long enough for you to get out the window if you chose that route. Thing is once you get outside you smell the storm in the air and you can see it in the sky. That really is the least of your problems, you can now hear more Walkers and through the trees you can see things moving. Fucking hell, it is a hoard of mammoth proportions. You hear something else as well, a loud engine roaring from somewhere. Down the driveway and coming around the corner, you see it. BUSTER. Holy fuck... people! At least you figure it is people, living and breathing people cause as far as you know Walkers haven't learned to drive. [hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Group%20Two%20Plus%20New%20Arrivals&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][img]http://imageshack.com/a/img922/4145/EZVJZV.jpg[/img][/center][hr] Well things could have gone worse for the drive out of Newnan but those headed for Franklin seem to have all the Luck right now. For the drive itself, outside of the incoming weather everything has been coming up roses. The roads have been clear minus one or two Walkers off the side of the road but nothing worth worrying about. Maybe you picked them off, maybe you decided that it was just better to leave walking Walkers alone. Either way you have made most of your trip is rather good time. That was until you see what is coming up on the horizon. There seems to be a decent amount of Walkers rambling about a large RV unit that looks to have broken down one one side of the road a while ago. Some are just walking off but several of the Walkers seem to be clawing at it, as if there is something on top of it. Granted there is - two women who would probably rather be sipping cool drinks on the beach right now than laying on top of it but you can't see them yet. Girls, you can however see a vehicle approaching if you just turn your heads and look. The vehicle isn't extremly loud but it is loud enough to get your attention. Maybe this could be your way out. Even one more person could help you get out of this mess. You better hurry though, Lady Luck has been kind enough to bring you two group together without any issue this round but whether or not you get out of this thing without injury or death has yet to be seen. [hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Newnan%20Outerwall&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][img]http://imageshack.com/a/img921/813/4KQFlN.jpg[/img][/center][hr] Don't think you were forgotten ol' CIty of Newnan; you have part of a wall down, the storm is rolling in and most of your good shots are out and about. Guess what? Shit just hit the fan. Before anyone knows what is going on people are starting to come out of the woods around the outer fence and climbing the walls. Some decided that they didn't want to climb the walls, they opted to enter where the wall is down even though Leann is standing guard - she's only one woman isn't she and these folk; whoever they are are good. We have lost three in Newnan already - one older gentleman that was trying to retrieve a cow tht got outside the outwall. He passed under the line of sight for the woods to get ol' Bessy and before he could scream his throat was slit. He dropped to the ground as a man with a crooked grin smiled. No one heard or saw a thing. At the other end of Newnan someone climbed the outer wall and picked off a teenage girl who was cleaning up the cars. She though was able to fight for a bit and try to get the man away from her; in the process she let out one hell of a scream that would have given her the title of scream queen if the movies were still being made. The last one lost was standing right next to Leann, talking to her about what he had seen during his shift as she was about to relive him. He hadn't seen much and he didn't see the knife coming that went straight into the back of his chest . Blood spattering out of his mouth and onto Leann as he caught him and dropped to a knee as he gurgled his last - Rain setting in as the winds picked up. The storm was there and rain was now pouring down from the Ga/Ala line all the way to Douglasville. *[color=ed1c24]Bad storm has set in at the end of this post - everyone in the RP is now having to deal with rain and winds until further notice. [/color]