[center] [b]Name[/b]: [color=00a99d]Bryon Cass[/color] [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Gender[/b]: [color=00aeef]Male[/color] [b]Appearance[/b]: He has combed over blackish brown hair, with bright blue eyes. He is about five foot tall, and wears standard Area Ranger clothes. He is somewhat muscular, but still remains relatively thin. He has a Capture Styler holster on his belt, which he uses to, well, carry his Capture Styler. He also has his Ranger Rank pads on his shoulders. [b]Role[/b]: [color=ed1c24]Pokemon Ranger[/color] [b]Ranger Rank[/b]: [color=ed1c24]Rank 6[/color] [b]Personality/Bio[/b]: Bryon was born in the Sinnoh Region's Veilstone City. He grew up there, looking up to the Gym Leader Maylene as a role model. When he was ten years old, a poacher stole a valuable egg from the Veilstone Gym, so he took up the chase with Maylene. They managed to corner the poacher in an alleyway in the city, where he dropped the egg while climbing up a fire escape. Bryon managed to catch the egg, which proceeded to hatch in his hands. Out of the egg hatched a tiny Riolu. Maylene and her Lucario had since captured the poacher, and had called Officer Jenny to take him away. Afterwards, seeing how close the Riolu and Bryon had become already, Maylene entrusted him with the small Aura Pokemon. After that, he spent time considering what he should do next. He was old enough to become a trainer, yes, and he had Riolu as his partner. But he just didn't catch on to the trainer life. He began looking at other options, and found out about the Pokemon Ranger Union, an organization in place to protect nature, people, and Pokemon everywhere. He also found out how to join, a Ranger School in the Almia Region. For a time he said goodbye to Riolu and left it with his mother while he went off to Almia to become a Ranger. After a few months, he returned graduated from the Ranger School along with the rest of his class, and was assigned to the Ranger Union HQ in Almia. Before that, he went back to Sinnoh, and reunited with Riolu. He made Riolu his Ranger Partner Pokemon, and returned to Almia. A few years later, the Team Dim Sun incident occurred, putting all Rangers on high alert. On the day of the attack on the Ranger Union, he was away handling Team Dim Sun in Vien Forest. He watched along with the rest of Almia as the Top Rangers defeated President Hall of Altru Inc., the true mastermind of Team Dim Sun, and brought peace to Almia. Since then, there has been little trouble in Almia, but he's still always ready. [b]Partner Pokemon[/b]: [color=0072bc]Riolu[/color] [/center]