[center]~|Day 2, 21:52- 22:05 GST|~ ~|Jayda, Animal Pens and Sith Practice Chambers|~[/center] The apprentice shrugged off her statements and question far too easily, stirring Jayda’s alarmed as Zanna explain. "Darth Nyiss gave me permission to experiment upon the Kel Dor. I made sure to explain that a death might result from such an experiment. If she still sees fit to punish me for the waste of a Jedi Prisoner, I suspect I will be much more humble next time we meet. If we meet at all." [i]Didn’t take you long, did it?[/i] Jayda thought when she heard the apprentice had already made ties into the master of the ship. It didn’t help she was still very much aware it was the Darth who determined who lived and died, her mind recalling Sish’s severed arm as punishment when he failed to follow basic instructions during the fight with the Jedi. It had been enough to put all the Sith on alert since. The smile that crossed Zanna’s lips didn’t seem to reach her eyes, prompting even less faith from Jayda that she was completely faithful she had immunity. Jaydw wouldn’t have been surprised if the apprentice was forbidden to take another subject for a long time. Her thoughts were turned away when Zanna then added more, focusing on the current issue at hand. "Regardless, we have much more immediate problems. Problems that need to be solved quickly. Fortunately for us, there are plenty of carnivorous beasts lying around." Jayda’s eyes studied Zanna’s figure turning about, her hand pulled out and gripped the Red Sith’s hand then tossed through the door and into the nearest cage. The hand made a meaty landing before the beast was immediately on it. Fangs and claws digging into the meat, rending it into pieces then vanished down its throat moments after. Jayda was impressed at the speed while she stared a bit longer. Her ears caught Zanna start to drag Corr’s body causing her to head to snap, her arm still cradled against her middle, as she tossed her a knowing smile that made her spine shiver. The Red Sith paused to draw both his lightsabers into her grasp then stashed them into her robes. With another set of gestures, a cage door open and the evidence was devoured shortly with greedy, satisfied sounds. Through Zanna was pleased with herself, Jayda wasn’t completely sure about this disposal while listening to the Red Sith. "There. Evidence is disposed of, and by the time anyone gets here they won't have any signs of actual combat. Leaving our story as the only one available. If they even ask about him." Seeming to approve her plan, she nodded toward the remains then proceeded to put her sithspawn away. Her eyes scanned the cages, looking for an empty one, as she made a statement that caused Jayda’s eyes to narrow. "You know, if you keep getting injured, I don't know when we're ever going to begin our lessons." A hint of disgust dripped into her tone when Jayda replied, her body trailed cautiously behind the Sithspawn and Zanna. She knew if that beast woke up ahead of time, he would’ve been a force to reckon with. A adapt fight she was, but not an invincible one and even their combined skill set she doubted there it would’ve helped. “If I recall right, Sith apprentices rather [i]avoid[/i] confrontation at all costs. Preferring to tilt their engagement in their favor and win through deception rather than purely brute strength. With the lessons I did give, you’ll be able to know when a fight is coming, isn’t that enough of an advantage?” They entered the far right penning area. Their presence caused the creatures to howl, growl and bray at their presence. Red eyes watching them move silently through the imprisonments which were more like crates than anything. Their conditions cramped and suffocating that Jayda was forced to hold her breath sparingly, dulling her nose to the thick musky created by the yet to be cleaned hay being tasseled about. Jayda spotted the rear pen was unused and the door left open as if expecting them, the pointed the thing out to the Red Sith. Her hand raised to the direction when she spoke. “The left rear cage, farthest into the wall is open. It seems a beast was never returned for a day now.” She couldn’t help but think about the reasons, through she didn’t verbally ask for Zanna’s thoughts over the subject and merely stopped at the doorway. her mind thinking about the reason only to remain quiet in her own thoughts while she remained nearest the entrance. She inhaled once then caught a scent that didn’t belong. One not old or animal in nature causing her head to turn to the darkest shadow just down the corridor nearest the pens. Her eyes adjusted to the low lights, allowing her to spot the masked man standing there unnervingly still and mimicking Sish more than she realized, her throat let out a subtle growl. She didn’t like those that sought to stalk her. Her boots retreated quietly backwards then shifted toward very hallway where the figure was hidden. Each step was carefully made to look casual as her good hand pulled toward her side and hung there within sight, hovering over her weapon in caution. Through unknown to the Sith apprentice, she wasn’t about to use it. If she made it past him without so much as a reaction, her arm whipped out to reach for his throat. On managing, if she wasn’t interrupted, the Zabrak would abruptly slam his back into the wall and speak in a low warning voice. “If you’re stalking me, this is your only warning to stop it. If you’re not, then I suggest you start by telling me why you’re here.” [hr] [center]~| Day 3, 02:34-02:44 GST |~ ~|Kaggath |~[/center] [center][h3][sub] Trouble for Khan[/sub][/h3][/center] The group Khan and Lea had encountered were on patrol. Their job was to ensure the Jedi didn’t escape the ship and required little effort since the prisoners seemed content with remaining in their cells. Something a few men thought odd but then again, the Jedi were emotionless and thoughtless drones at best. They didn’t feel anything or so they grew up believing within the Empire. Highly trained, all four troopers marched easily through the metal hull and continued their route until Khan darted into view. The Echani’s white figure appearing from seemingly nowhere, his arms jerked upright and waved, his voice shouting and calling for their attention. Abruptly, the once relaxed men came into full alert. Thier fingers tighten about their blasters held at their sides and raised them up a sharp snap to their masked faces. All four cocked and ready to fire onto the Jedi. One, the very trooper in charge it seemed stepped, stepped forward then spoke an order. His voice was raspy through the armored mask covering his face, his hands keeping his blaster at the ready to fire. “Halt, stop right there.” Naturally the boy fled. The trooper’s finger squeezed, releasing a energy shot into the place Khan had been earlier and nearly clipped him. They were set on stun through it didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt when it hit. The boy could easily spot their intentions thanks to their movements and positioning of their hands, giving him a greater advantage since Aliens were fully studied by the troopers within the Empire. Their figures took off after him, missing the girl hidden away in the corner, in their attempt to capture him. With little place to go, he would easily be trapped and surrounded by the four men. Another three blasts rang out followed by shouting. The first shot was aimed at Khan’s left shoulder, the other two aimed for his back middle. When the padawan reached the end of his current path, he would come to a dead end and realize he was trapped when the troopers quickly appeared. Naturally they would underestimate the boy as one shouldered his blaster then came closer and reached to snag the neck collar of Khan's robe.